Quick Start for Interactive Live Streaming in Android
VideoSDK empowers you to seamlessly integrate interactive live streaming features into your Android application in minutes. While built for meetings, the SDK is easily adaptable for live streaming with support for up to 100 hosts/co-hosts and 2,000 viewers in real-time. Perfect for social use cases, this guide will walk you through integrating live streaming into your app.
For standard live streaming with 6-7 second latency and playback support, follow this documentation.
Before proceeding, ensure that your development environment meets the following requirements:
- Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1) or later.
- Android SDK API Level 21 or higher.
- A mobile device that runs Android 5.0 or later.
Getting Started with the Code!
Follow the steps to create the environment necessary to add video calls into your app. Also you can find the code sample for quickstart here.
Important Changes Android SDK in Version v0.2.0
- The following modes have been deprecated:
has been replaced bySEND_AND_RECV
has been replaced bySIGNALLING_ONLY
Please update your implementation to use the new modes.
⚠️ Compatibility Notice:
To ensure a seamless meeting experience, all participants must use the same SDK version.
Do not mix version v0.2.0 + with older versions, as it may cause significant conflicts.
Create new Android Project
For a new project in Android Studio, create a Phone and Tablet Android project with an Empty Activity.
After creating the project, Android Studio automatically starts gradle sync. Ensure that the sync succeeds before you continue.
Integrate Video SDK
- Maven Central
- Jitpack
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven {url= uri("https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/jcenter")}
repositories {
maven { url = uri("https://www.jitpack.io") }
maven {url= uri("https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/jcenter")}
You can use imports with Maven Central after rtc-android-sdk version 0.1.12
Whether on Maven or Jitpack, the same version numbers always refer to the same SDK.
- Add the following dependency in your app's
dependencies {
implementation ("live.videosdk:rtc-android-sdk:0.1.38")
// library to perform Network call to generate a stream id
implementation ("com.amitshekhar.android:android-networking:1.0.2")
// other app dependencies
Android SDK compatible with armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86_64 architectures. If you want to run the application in an emulator, choose ABI x86_64 when creating a device.
Add permissions into your project
- In
, add the following permissions.
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" android:required="false" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS"/>
If your project has set android.useAndroidX=true
, then set android.enableJetifier=true
in the gradle.properties
file to migrate your project to AndroidX and avoid duplicate class conflict.
Structure of the project
Your project structure should look like this.
├── src/main/
│ ├── java/com/example/app/
│ │ ├── components/
│ │ ├── screens/
│ │ ├── ui/
│ │ │ └── theme/
│ │ ├── model/
│ │ ├── MainApplication.kt
│ │ ├── MainActivity.kt
│ │ └── NetworkClass.kt
| | └── StreamingMode.kt
│ ├── res/
│ └── AndroidManifest.xml
├── build.gradle
└── settings.gradle
App Architecture

Step 1: Initialize VideoSDK
- Create
class which will extend theandroid.app.Application
- Create field
which will hold the generated token from the VideoSDK dashboard. This token will use in VideoSDK config as well as generating meetingId.
import android.app.Application
import live.videosdk.rtc.android.VideoSDK
class MainApplication: Application() {
val sampleToken = "YOUR_TOKEN" //paste your token here
override fun onCreate() {
- Add
<!-- ... -->
Step 2: Managing Permissions and Setting Up Navigation
The MainActivity
handles permission requests for the camera and microphone and sets up navigation using Jetpack Compose.
Upon creation, it checks for required permissions (RECORD_AUDIO and CAMERA). If not granted, it requests them. Once permissions are granted, the MyApp composable is initialized, which contains the navigation logic through the NavigationGraph.
The NavigationGraph defines two screens:
- JoinScreen: For joining or create stream.
- StreamingScreen: For participating in a stream, passing meetingId and mode as arguments.
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
Videosdk_android_modes_quickstartTheme {
MyApp(this) } }
private fun checkSelfPermission(permission: String, requestCode: Int): Boolean {
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, permission) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, REQUESTED_PERMISSIONS, requestCode)
return false
return true
companion object {
private const val PERMISSION_REQ_ID = 22
private val REQUESTED_PERMISSIONS = arrayOf(Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO, Manifest.permission.CAMERA)
fun MyApp(context: Context) {
NavigationGraph(context = context)
fun NavigationGraph(navController: NavHostController = rememberNavController(), context: Context) {
NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = "join_screen") {
composable("join_screen") { JoinScreen(navController, context) }
composable("stream_screen?streamId={streamId}&mode={mode}") { backStackEntry ->
val streamId = backStackEntry.arguments?.getString("streamId")
val modeStr = backStackEntry.arguments?.getString("mode")
val mode = StreamingMode.valueOf(modeStr ?: StreamingMode.SendAndReceive.name)
streamId?.let {
StreamingScreen(viewModel = StreamViewModel(), navController, streamId, mode, context)
Step 3: Creating Reusable Components
- Before building the individual screens, it's essential to develop reusable composable components that will be used throughout the project.
- Create a
file to organize all reusable components for the project, such as buttons, spacers, and customizable text.
fun MyAppButton(task: () -> Unit, buttonName: String) {
Button(onClick = task) {
Text(text = buttonName) }
fun MySpacer() {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
.background(color = Color.Gray)) }
fun MyText(text: String, fontSize: TextUnit = 23.sp) {
Text(text = text,
fontSize = fontSize,
fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
modifier = Modifier.padding(4.dp),
style = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyMedium.copy(fontSize = 16.sp),
color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onSurface.copy(alpha = 0.7f))
- Create a
file that includes two composable functions:ParticipantVideoView
for rendering individual participant video streams, andParticipantsGrid
for displaying a grid of participant videos.
- Here the participant's video is displayed using
. To know more aboutVideoView
, please visit here VideoView
is a custom View. Since Jetpack Compose does not natively support traditionalView
objects, we need to integrate theVideoView
into the Compose layout using theAndroidView
is a composable that can be used to add Android views inside a @Composable function.
fun ParticipantVideoView(
participant: Participant
) {
var isVideoEnabled by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
// Remember the event listener to prevent recreation on each recomposition
val eventListener = remember(participant) {
object : ParticipantEventListener() {
override fun onStreamEnabled(stream: Stream) {
if (stream.kind.equals("video", ignoreCase = true)) {
val videoTrack = stream.track as VideoTrack
isVideoEnabled = true
override fun onStreamDisabled(stream: Stream) {
if (stream.kind.equals("video", ignoreCase = true)) {
isVideoEnabled = false
// Add and remove the event listener using side effects
DisposableEffect(participant, eventListener) {
onDispose { participant.removeEventListener(eventListener) }
// Initial video state check
LaunchedEffect(participant) {
val hasVideoStream = participant.streams.any { (_, stream) ->
stream.kind.equals("video", ignoreCase = true) && stream.track != null
isVideoEnabled = hasVideoStream
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
.background(if (isVideoEnabled) Color.DarkGray else Color.Gray)
) {
factory = { context ->
VideoView(context).apply {
for ((_, stream) in participant.streams) {
if (stream.kind.equals("video", ignoreCase = true)) {
val videoTrack = stream.track as VideoTrack
isVideoEnabled = true
update = { videoView ->
// Handle video track updates only
// The event listener is now managed separately
for ((_, stream) in participant.streams) {
if (stream.kind.equals(
ignoreCase = true
) && stream.track != null
) {
val videoTrack = stream.track as VideoTrack
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
if (!isVideoEnabled) {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
Text(text = "Camera Off", color = Color.White)
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.BottomCenter)
) {
text = participant.displayName,
color = Color.White,
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center)
fun ParticipantsGrid(
participants: List<Participant>,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
LazyVerticalGrid(columns = GridCells.Fixed(2),
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(16.dp),
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(16.dp),
modifier = modifier.fillMaxWidth()
) {
items(participants.size) { index ->
ParticipantVideoView(participant = participants[index])
Before proceeding, let's understand the two modes of a Live Stream:

- Designed primarily for the Host or Co-host.
- Allows sending and receiving media.
- Hosts can broadcast their audio/video and interact directly with the audience.
- Tailored for the Audience.
- Enables receiving media shared by the Host.
- Audience members can view and listen but cannot share their own media.
enum class StreamingMode {
Step 4: Creating Joining Screen
Join screen will serve as a medium to either Create a new Live Stream or join an existing one as a host or a audience.
We will create a simple UI for the Join screen that includes three action buttons for joining or creating a Live Stream:
Create Stream
: Lets the user initiate a new Live Stream in SEND_AND_RECV mode, granting full host controls.Join as Host
: Allows the user to join an existing Live Stream using the provided meetingId with the SEND_AND_RECV mode, enabling full host privileges.Join as Audience
: Enables the user to join an existing Live Stream using the provided meetingId with the RECV_ONLY mode, allowing view-only access.
fun JoinScreen(
navController: NavController, context: Context
) {
val app = context.applicationContext as MainApplication
val token = app.sampleToken
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
modifier = Modifier.padding(4.dp),
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly
) {
var input by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf("") }
CreateStreamBtn(navController, token)
Text(text = "OR")
InputMeetingId(input) { updateInput -> input = updateInput }
JoinHostBtn(navController, input)
JoinAudienceBtn(navController, input)
fun JoinHostBtn(navController: NavController, streamId: String) {
if (streamId.isNotEmpty()) {
}, "Join as Host")
fun JoinAudienceBtn(navController: NavController, streamId: String) {
if (streamId.isNotEmpty()) {
}, "Join as Audience")
fun CreateStreamBtn(navController: NavController, token: String) {
NetworkManager.createStreamId(token) { streamId ->
}, "Create Stream")
fun InputMeetingId(input: String, onInputChange: (String) -> Unit) {
OutlinedTextField(value = input,
onValueChange = onInputChange,
label = { Text(text = "Enter Stream Id") })

Step 5: Creating StreamId
The NetworkManager
singleton handles stream creation by making a POST request to the VideoSDK API:
- stream Creation: Sends a request to the API with an authorization token to create a stream.
- Response Handling: Extracts the roomId from the response and triggers the
object NetworkManager {
fun createStreamId(token: String, onStreamIdCreated: (String) -> Unit) {
.addHeaders("Authorization", token)
.getAsJSONObject(object : JSONObjectRequestListener {
override fun onResponse(response: JSONObject) {
try {
val streamId = response.getString("roomId")
} catch (e: JSONException) {
override fun onError(anError: ANError) {
Log.d("TAG", "onError: $anError")
Don't confuse with Room and stream keyword, both are same thing 😃
Step 6: Creating Streaming Screen
We will create a simple Streaming screen UI with two main sections:
: Displays the stream ID and current streaming mode at the top of the screen for reference.ParticipantsGrid
: Shows the list of participants in a grid layout, adjusting dynamically.
In Step 3, we created the ParticipantsGrid component.
fun StreamingScreen(viewModel: StreamViewModel, navController: NavController,
streamId: String,
mode: StreamingMode,
context: Context
) {
val app = context.applicationContext as MainApplication
val isStreamLeft = viewModel.isStreamLeft
val currentMode = viewModel.currentMode
val isJoined = viewModel.isJoined
LaunchedEffect(isStreamLeft) {
if (isStreamLeft) {
navController.navigate("join_screen") }
Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
Header(streamId, currentMode)
participants = viewModel.currentParticipants,
modifier = Modifier.weight(1f)
onJoinClick = { viewModel.initStream(context, app.sampleToken, streamId, mode)},
onMicClick = { viewModel.toggleMic() },
onCamClick = { viewModel.toggleWebcam()},
onModeToggleClick = { viewModel.toggleMode() },
showMediaControls = currentMode == StreamingMode.SendAndReceive,
currentMode = currentMode,
onLeaveClick = { viewModel.leaveStream() },
isJoined = isJoined )
fun Header(streamId: String, mode: StreamingMode) {
val context = LocalContext.current
val clipboardManager = context.getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE) as ClipboardManager
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
contentAlignment = Alignment.TopStart
) {
Row( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceBetween,
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
) {
Column {
Row(verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically) {
MyText("StreamID: ", 28.sp)
MyText(streamId, 25.sp)
IconButton( onClick = {
val clip = ClipData.newPlainText("Stream ID", streamId)
//get baseline_content_copy_24 icon from Vector Asset
Icon( painter = painterResource(R.drawable.baseline_content_copy_24),
contentDescription = "Copy Stream ID",
modifier = Modifier.size(40.dp).padding(start = 8.dp)
Row {
MyText("Mode: ", 20.sp)
MyText(mode.name, 18.sp)
Step 7: Implementing Mode Switch and Media Toggles
Implement interactive controls to leave the stream, toggle microphone and webcam, and switch between Host (SEND_AND_RECV) and Audience (RECV_ONLY) modes for a seamless experience.
fun MediaControlButtons(
onJoinClick: () -> Unit,
onMicClick: () -> Unit,
onCamClick: () -> Unit,
onModeToggleClick: () -> Unit,
onLeaveClick: () -> Unit,
showMediaControls: Boolean = true,
currentMode: StreamingMode,
isJoined: Boolean
) {
Column( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp)
) {
Row( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly,
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
) {
if (!isJoined) {
MyAppButton(onJoinClick, "Join")
if (showMediaControls && isJoined) { // Only show media controls if joined
MyAppButton(onMicClick, "ToggleMic")
MyAppButton(onCamClick, "ToggleCam")
Row( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly,
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
) {
if (isJoined) {
MyAppButton(onLeaveClick, "Leave")
task = onModeToggleClick,
buttonName = if (currentMode == StreamingMode.SendAndReceive)
"Switch to Audience"
"Switch to Host"
Step 8: Setting Up StreamViewModel
The StreamViewModel
manages the core functionality of Interactive Live Streaming (ILS), serving as the central state manager:
Stream State Management
- Handles stream initialization with appropriate mode (Conference/Audience)
- Tracks stream lifecycle (joined, left, current mode)
Media Control Integration
- Provides microphone toggle (mute/unmute)
- Controls webcam state (enable/disable)
Mode Switching
- Enables seamless transitions between Conference and Audience modes
class StreamViewModel : ViewModel() {
private var stream: Meeting? = null
private var micEnabled by mutableStateOf(true)
private var webcamEnabled by mutableStateOf(true)
var isConferenceMode by mutableStateOf(true)
val currentParticipants = mutableStateListOf<Participant>()
var localParticipantId by mutableStateOf("")
private set
var isStreamLeft by mutableStateOf(false)
private set
var currentMode by mutableStateOf(StreamingMode.SendAndReceive)
private set
var isJoined by mutableStateOf(false)
private set
fun initStream(context: Context, token: String, streamId: String, mode: StreamingMode) {
currentMode = mode
if (stream == null) {
stream = if (mode.name == StreamingMode.SendAndReceive.name) {
context,"54dr-h8c5-hsif", "John Doe",
micEnabled, webcamEnabled, null, null, true, null, null
} else {
context, "54dr-h8c5-hsif", "John Doe",
micEnabled, webcamEnabled, null, "RECV_ONLY", true, null, null
isJoined = true
private val meetingEventListener: MeetingEventListener = object : MeetingEventListener() {
override fun onMeetingJoined() {
stream?.let {
if (it.localParticipant.mode != "RECV_ONLY") {
if (!currentParticipants.contains(it.localParticipant)) {
localParticipantId = it.localParticipant.id
override fun onMeetingLeft() {
stream = null
isStreamLeft = true
override fun onParticipantJoined(participant: Participant) {
if (participant.mode != "RECV_ONLY") {
override fun onParticipantLeft(participant: Participant) {
override fun onParticipantModeChanged(data: JSONObject?) {
try {
val participantId = data?.getString("peerId")
val participant = if (stream?.localParticipant?.id == participantId) {
} else {
participant?.let {
when (it.mode) {
"RECV_ONLY" -> {
if (!currentParticipants.contains(it)) {
} else { }
else -> {}
} catch (e: JSONException) {
fun toggleMic() {
if (micEnabled) stream?.muteMic() else stream?.unmuteMic()
micEnabled = !micEnabled
fun toggleWebcam() {
if (webcamEnabled) stream?.disableWebcam() else stream?.enableWebcam()
webcamEnabled = !webcamEnabled
fun leaveStream() {
isStreamLeft = true
isJoined = false
fun toggleMode() {
val newMode = if (currentMode == StreamingMode.SendAndReceive) {
isConferenceMode = false
} else {
isConferenceMode = true
// Clear all participants first
// Wait briefly for mode change to complete
stream?.let { it ->
// Add back all non-viewer participants
it.participants.values.forEach { participant ->
if (participant.mode != "RECV_ONLY") {
// Add local participant only if in SEND_AND_RECV mode
if (newMode == StreamingMode.SendAndReceive) {
it.localParticipant?.let { localParticipant ->
if (!currentParticipants.contains(localParticipant)) {
// Re-enable webcam if it was enabled before
if (webcamEnabled) {
it.enableWebcam() }
currentMode = newMode

Final Output
We are done with implementation of customised video calling app in Android using Video SDK. To explore more features go through Basic and Advanced features.
Final Output
You can checkout the complete quick start example here.
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