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Version: 0.1.x

Release Notes - Android

This page will keep you update all the releases of Android SDK.


Release Date : 5th July 2024

Bug Fix :

  • Fixed the issue of switching camera from front to back in devices with multiple cameras.

    Docs : changeWebcam()

Change Log :

  • Provided PreferredProtocol parameter in the initMeeting method to specify a protocol to be used in the meeting and made signalingBaseUrl parameter optional.

    Docs : initMeeting()

  • Provided modelId parameter in post-transcription functionality for selecting a transcription model.

  • Removed an internal dependency.

  • Provided Pre-Call Screen features.

    • Provided getDevices() method in VideoSDK class to get list of media devices.

      Docs : getDevices()

    • Provided getVideoDevices() method in VideoSDK class to get list of camera devices.

      Docs : getVideoDevices()

    • Provided getAudioDevices() method in VideoSDK class to get list of audio devices.

      Docs : getAudioDevices()

    • Provided AudioDeviceChanged() event in VideoSDK class, which gets triggered whenever an audio device is connected or removed from the system.

      Docs : onAudioDeviceChanged()

    • Provided checkPermissions() method in VideoSDK class to check and request media permissions.

      Docs : checkPermissions()

    • Provided setSelectedAudioDevice() method in VideoSDK class to set an audio device to be used in the meeting.

      Docs : setSelectedAudioDevice()

    • Provided setSelectedVideoDevice() method in VideoSDK class to set a video device to be used in the meeting.

      Docs : setSelectedVideoDevice()

    • Provided getSelectedAudioDevice() method in VideoSDK class to get the audio device, which is currently in use.

      Docs : getSelectedAudioDevice()

    • Provided getSelectedVideoDevice() method in VideoSDK class to get the video device, which is currently in use.

      Docs : getSelectedVideoDevice()


Release Date : 15th June 2024

Change Log :

  • Added captureImage() method in the Participant object to capture the image of the user from MediaStream.

    Docs : captureImage()

  • Added methods uploadBase64File() and fetchBase64File() to upload and download a temporary file.

    Docs : uploadBase64File()

    Docs : fetchbase64file()


Release Date : 12th May 2024

Change log :

  1. Introducing real-time transcription capabilities with the following methods:

    • startTranscription: Easily begin real-time transcription with a single method call.

      SDK Reference : startTranscription

    • stopTranscription: Stops ongoing transcription processes seamlessly when necessary.

      SDK Reference : stopTranscription

    • onTranscriptionStateChanged: Receive updates on transcription states, including started, stopped, and failed states.

      SDK Reference : onTranscriptionStateChanged

    • onTranscriptionText: Get real-time updates of transcription text as it is generated, ensuring a responsive transcription experience.

      SDK Reference : onTranscriptionText

  2. Introducing post-meeting transcription and summary capabilities with the recording and HLS methods:

    • startRecording(): Begins recording the meeting and supports post-transcription and summary configuration.

      SDK Reference : startRecording

    • startHls(): Starts HLS streaming with options for post-transcription and summary settings.

      SDK Reference : startHls

  3. Added new error code for better debugging. Checkout the list of available error codes here

Docs: Post Transcription & Summary

Docs: Realtime Transcription

  1. Provide signalingBaseUrl parameter in initMeeting() method of VideoSDK class to enable the usage of a proxy server with the VideoSDK.


Release Date : 25th April 2024

Bug Fix :

  • Fixed screenShare issue for android version 14


Release Date : 12th Jan 2024

Bug Fix :

  • Fixed landscape video issue between Firefox browser and native android SDK


Release Date : 27th Oct 2023

Change log :

  • Added metaData property associated with Participant to pass additional information.
  • Added payload feature in PubSub to pass additional payload data.
  • Added sendOnly feature to PubSub to Publish data for only Participants mentioned.
  • Provide setActivityForLifeCycle() to control camera only for specified activity.


Release Date : 6th Oct 2023

Change log :

  • Fixed meeting end issue


Release Date : 5th Oct 2023

Change log :

  • Change default videoTrack

Bug Fix :

  • Fix crash issue on socket fail
  • Fix Bluetooth issue for android version 13


Release Date : 24th august 2023

Change log :

  • remove PCMU codec
  • add consumer-rules


Release Date : 13th July 2023

Bug Fix :

  • enable the camera when onActivityResumed() triggered


Release Date : 10th June 2023

Bug Fix :

  • Fix bluetooth permission issue for android version 12 and higher.


Release Date : 10th May 2023

Bug Fix :

  • Fix clash between initMeeting customTrack property and enableWebcam() customTrack property.


Release Date : 2nd May 2023

Change log :

  • Provide multistream parameter for sending multiple resolution layers or single resolution layer.

    Docs : Multi Stream


Release Date : 31st March 2023

Change log :


Release Date : 28th February 2023

Change log :

  • Participant can toggle between the CONFERENCE and VIEWER mode using changeMode() method.

    Docs : changeMode()

  • Provide startHLS() and stopHLS() method for live streaming.

    Docs : startHLS()

    Docs : stopHLS()

  • Provide pin()/unpin() method for Pining / Unpining the participant.

    Docs : pin()/unpin()

  • Update startRecording(),startLiveStream() method

    Docs : startRecording()

    Docs : startLiveStream()


Release Date : 13th january 2023

Change log :

  • Provide VideoView component which can render video stream.

    Docs : VideoView


Release Date : 3rd Janurary 2023

Change log :


Release Date : 28th December 2022

Bug Fix :

  • Fix jitpack issue.


Release Date : 24th December 2022

Change log :

  1. To obtain video, audio and screen sharing statistics, the Participant class now has a getVideoStats(),getAudioStats(),getShareStats() methods.

  2. Remove multiStream Support.


Release Date : 9th December 2022

Change log :

  1. Provide multistream parameter for sending multiple resolution layers or single resolution layer.

    Docs : Multi Stream

Bug Fix :

  1. Fix echo issue.


Release Date : 10th November 2022

Change log :

  1. Added recordingState and liveStreamState event.

    Docs : onRecordingStateChanged()

    Docs : onLivestreamStateChanged()

Bug Fix :

  1. Fix camera automatically enable when enable screenshare.

  2. Handle crash on not providing empty screenshare notification title, content or icon.


Release Date : 1st November 2022

Change log :

  1. Provide support for banuba integration.

    Code Sample : videosdk-rtc-android-sdk-banuba-example

    Docs : Banuba Intergation with VideoSDK


Release Date : 21st October 2022

Change log :

  1. Add support of customTrack in changeMic() method.


Release Date : 18th October 2022

Change log : None

Bug Fix :

  1. Null Pointer Exception crash on meeting leave.


Release Date : 17th October 2022

Change log :

  1. CustomTrack for audio,video and screenshare.

    Docs : Custom Video Track

    Docs : Custom Audio Track

    Docs : Custom Screen Share Track

v0.1.0 & v0.1.1

Release Date : 29th June 2022

Change log :

  1. Updated internal dependency.

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