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Version: 0.1.x

Leave or End Meeting - Android

Participant can choose to leave the meeting without removing all the other participants. This is typically done by Leave Meeting.

Alternatively, if the participant is the host and the last person remaining in the session, they can choose End Meeting by removing all other participants, which will end the session for everyone.


To leave the meeting without removing all the participant you need to call leave() method of Meeting class.


To leave the meeting by removing all the participant you need to call end() method of Meeting class.


This methods can be called after the meeting is joined successfully.


  btnLeave!!.setOnClickListener { _: View? ->
meeting!!.leave() // Leaving Meeting

btnEnd!!.setOnClickListener { _: View? ->
meeting!!.end() // Ending Meeting

Events associated with Leave​

Following callbacks are received when a participant leaves the meeting.

Events associated with End​

Following callbacks are received when a participant ends the meeting.

private final MeetingEventListener meetingEventListener = new MeetingEventListener() {
//Event to know meeting is left
override fun onMeetingLeft() {
Log.d("#VideoSDK", "onMeetingleft()")

//Event to know some other participant left
override fun onParticipantLeft(participant: Participant) {
Log.d("#VideoSDK", participant.displayName + " left");

API Reference​

The API references for all the methods and events utilised in this guide are provided below.

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