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Switch Participant

If you are running more than one meeting concurrently and want to switch particular participant over meetings, VideoSDK Provide switchTo method to achieve this kind of setup.


  • switchTo - This method is used for switching participant of one meeting to another meeting. This method accept meetingId, token and payload as an object.

    • meetingId - This should be the meetingId where you want to switch that participant from the joined meeting.


  • switch-meeting - This event will emit at participant side who is going to be switch with arguments meetingId, payload and token.
  • While calling switchTo(), you need to pass a pre-generated token so that participant can reinitialize and join that meeting with the latest token on switch-meeting event.
  • switch-meeting event will not switch that participant without any action.


Meeting_A and Meeting_B are running paralleley, there are participants P1, P2 in Meeting_A and P3 in Meeting_B, now Meeting_A participant P1 wants to switch P2 participant from Meeting_A to Meeting_B or other meeting, then participant P1 will call:

switchTo({ meetingId, token, payload })

after that P2 from Meeting_A will receive an event switch-meeting with Meeting_B Id .

Method and Event Code​

// Get participant of meeting A
const Participant = meeting.participants.get("<participant-id>");

const onClick = () => {
const meetingId = "<meeting-B-id>"; // <meeting-B-id> || <other-meeting-id>
const token = "JWT";
const payload = "payload";

Participant.switchTo({ meetingId, token, payload });

// This event will be emitted to participant P2 of Meeting A.
meeting.on("switch-meeting", ({ meetingId, payload, token }) => {});

For React and React Native Developer, you need to slightly modify in Initialization config props.

const App = () => {
return (
meetingId: "<Id-on-meeting>",
name: "<Name-of-participant>",
micEnabled: "<Flag-to-enable-mic>",
webcamEnabled: "<Flag-to-enable-webcam>",
reInitialiseMeetingOnConfigChange: true, // Add This Line

reInitialiseMeetingOnConfigChange prop help you to update token and meeting id at run time, you don't have to rejoin or reinitialize the meeting.

The reason we are using this props is we are resetting meetingId and token at participant side switch-meeting event.

If you not specify this props, MeetingProvider will not able to reset meetingId and token at run time.

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