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Video / Audio Getting started

This guide will get you running with the VideoSDK video & audio calling in minutes.


At it's core, VideoSDK RTC is a distributed SFU(Selective Forwarding Unit). It eanbles highly scalable video & audio meetings unlike vanilla webRTC.

VideoSDK enables opportunity to integrate video & audio calling to Web, Android, IOS applications. it provides Programmable SDKs and REST APIs to build up scalable video conferencing applications.



This diagram demonstrates end-to-end flow to implement video & audio calling, record calls and go-live on social media.

sequenceDiagram Your App Client->>Your App Server: Request to Auth; activate Your App Server; Note right of Your App Server: JWT Auth using Key and Secret; Your App Server-->>Your App Client: Received Token; deactivate Your App Server; Your App Client->>VideoSDK Server: Request for meetingId; activate VideoSDK Server; Note right of VideoSDK Server: Generate unique meetingId; VideoSDK Server-->>Your App Client: meetingId Received; deactivate VideoSDK Server; Your App Client->>VideoSDK Server: Request to Join; activate VideoSDK Server; Note right of VideoSDK Server: Broadcasting to each participants; VideoSDK Server-->>Your App Client: Meeting Joined; deactivate VideoSDK Server; Your App Client-)VideoSDK Server: Subscribe to Events; VideoSDK Server--)Your App Client: Get notified on Updates; Your App Client->>VideoSDK Server: Request to Go Live via RTMP; Note right of VideoSDK Server: Composing Real-time Stream; VideoSDK Server--)Social Media: Push RTMP Stream; Your App Client->>VideoSDK Server: Request to Start Recording; Note right of VideoSDK Server: Recording Started; VideoSDK Server-->>Your App Client: Trigger Webhook to Start Recording; Your App Client->>VideoSDK Server: Request to Leave Meeting; activate VideoSDK Server; Note right of VideoSDK Server: Participant Left; VideoSDK Server-->>Your App Client: Meeting Left; deactivate VideoSDK Server; Your App Client->>VideoSDK Server: Request to End Meeting; activate VideoSDK Server; Note right of VideoSDK Server: Kick off all the Participants; VideoSDK Server--)Social Media: End Pushing RTMP Stream; VideoSDK Server-->>Your App Client: Trigger Webhook to Stop Recording; VideoSDK Server-->>Your App Client: Meeting End; deactivate VideoSDK Server;

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