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This page has been deprecated.

We've released a new version of pages with some improvements and smoother experience.

Here is the link of each SDK for this page.

Server Setup

To begin working with the VideoSDK, you need to setup a server that can authenticate & validate your API key and secret which we generated in the previous step. Follow this Signup & Create API Key if you haven't generated API key and secret.

For server setup, you'll need the following APIs:

  1. GET get-token : By providing API key and secret, this API will return accesstoken. We'll discuss in depth how to achieve it.

  2. POST create-meeting : By providing generated access token, this API will return dash(-) separated meetingId, for example abc-pqr-xyz.

  3. POST validate-meeting/:meetingId : By providing generated meetingId as a path parameter, this API will only validate the provided meetingId and return a 200 statusresponse. This API is for verification purpose only [OPTIONAL].


You can integrate this APIs in client side also.

Why we use token based Authentication ?​

Token based authentication allow users to verify their identity by providing generated API key and secrets.

  • Your server will generate access token using your API key and secret
  • Your client obtains token from your backend server.
  • For token validation, client will pass this token to VideoSDK.
  • VideoSDK server will only allow entry in meeting if the token is valid.

Here is the simple sequence diagram represents the authentication.

sequenceDiagram Your App Client->>Your App Server: Request for token; activate Your App Server; Note left of Your App Server: Generate token; Your App Server-->>Your App Client: Received token; deactivate Your App Server; Your App Client->>VideoSDK Server: Request to establish connection; activate VideoSDK Server; Note left of VideoSDK Server: Validates Token; VideoSDK Server-->>Your App Client: Connection established; deactivate VideoSDK Server;

Code Sample​

For Node server environment, refer this GUIDE, download the code sample videosdk-rtc-nodejs-sdk-example and for other server environment you can continue with below topic.

Generate Access Token and integrate other API's​

For security, every participant that connects to meeting needs a access token. By substituting apikey and permissions in it.

var jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
var uuid4 = require("uuid4");

// Need to generate from

apikey: API_KEY,
permissions: ["allow_join"], // Permission to join the meeting
algorithm: "HS256",
expiresIn: "24h",
jwtid: uuid4(),
function (err, token) {

Available permissions are:

  • allow_join: The participant is allowed to join the meeting directly.
  • ask_join: The participant requires to ask for permission to join the meeting.
  • allow_mod: The participant is allowed to toggle webcam & mic of other participants.

For other APIs you can follow Create Meeting & Validate Meeting.

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