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Quickstart for Plain JavaScript

Using Plain JavaScript SDK​

Let's start with the terms used in Plain JavaScript SDK.


Also check out this example code on github to get started quickly.


A Meeting represents real-time audio, video, and/or screen-share session, and is the basic building block for media sharing among participants. Supports upto 5,000 participants.


Participants are the client applications that are connected to a Meeting and shares video & audio media with one another.

Local Participant​

Participant producing audio or video stream from the local client's media sources


Streams are indiviual video & audio streams produced by the participants in the meeting

Active Speaker​

Active speaker represents the participant who is currently producing highest decibels audio stream (in other words speaking)

Active presenter​

Active presenter is the participant who is currently sharing his/her screen as a video stream

Main participant​

Main participant represents the client who shall be displayed on the main screen indicating that he/she is either presenting or speaking


Get an API key​

Signup on the VideoSDK website to get a key pair for SDK authentication. Your API Key and Secret will be visible on the console dashboard.


Include this in your HTML file

<script src=""></script>

Step 0: Access token generation (server-side code)​

An access token is required to authenticate with the VideoSDK and make any API calls. You can generate one with the API key and secret mentioned in your developer portal at VideoSDK console.

Generate access token (NodeJS)​

const express = require("express");
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
const cors = require("cors");
const request = require("request");

const app = express();
const port = 9000;
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));

app.get("/get-token", (req, res) => {
const API_KEY = process.env.VIDEOSDK_API_KEY;
const options = { expiresIn: "10m", algorithm: "HS256" };
const payload = {
apikey: API_KEY,
permissions: ["allow_join", "allow_mod", "ask_join"], // Trigger permission.
const token = jwt.sign(payload, SECRET_KEY, options);
res.json({ token });

app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`);

Available permissions are:

  • allow_join: The participant will be permitted entry without request.
  • ask_join: The participant will not be permitted entry without request.
  • allow_mod: Allow participant to enable/disable other participant's mic/webcam.

This generated token must be sent in the Authorization header for all API calls.
And it should also be used with the VideoSDK.config(token) method.

Step 1: Create or join meeting​

Get a meeting id for new meeting or validate an existing meeting id to join a meeting.

Create new meeting ID​

cURL -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: $YOUR_JWT_TOKEN" \


Validate existing meeting ID for joining​

cURL -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: $YOUR_JWT_TOKEN" \
-XPOST \${meetingId}

Step 2: Configure videosdk​

Before starting with js-sdk, you have to pass token to config.

Pass token to config

Step 3: Initialize meeting​

To initialize meeting you need to provide the following parameters:

  • meetingId: string from the previous step to specify which meeting to join in.
  • name: string which will be displayed as username of participant in the meeting.
  • micEnabled: boolean option to indicate if mic should be on while joining.
  • webcamEnabled: boolean option to indicate if webcam should be on while joining.
  • maxResolution: "sd" | "hd" defines the maximum available resolution for webcam video.
Intialize meeting instance
const meeting = VideoSDK.initMeeting({
meetingId, // required
name, // required
micEnabled, // optional, default: true
webcamEnabled, // optional, default: true
maxResolution, // optional, default: "hd"

The meeting object consists of:

  • Properties:

    • id: string
    • activeSpeakerId: string
    • activePresenterId: string
    • mainParticipantId: string
    • localParticipant: Participant
    • participants: Map<string, Participant>
    • messages: Array<{senderId: string, text: string, timestamp: number}>
  • Events:

    • participant-joined, participant-left
    • speaker-changed, presenter-changed
    • main-participant-changed
    • entry-requested, entry-responded
    • recording-started, recording-stopped
    • stream-enabled, stream-disabled
    • chat-message
  • Methods:

    • join(), leave()
    • muteMic(), unmuteMic()
    • disableWebcam(), enableWebcam()
    • disableScreenShare(), enableScreenShare()
    • on(eventType: string), off(eventType: string)
    • respondEntry(participantId: string, decision: "allowed" | "denied")
    • startRecording(webhookUrl: string, awsDirPath: string), stopRecording()
    • sendChatMessage(text: string)

Step 4: Get local and remote participants​

You can get the local streams and participant meta from meeting.localParticipant. And a Map of joined participants is always available via meeting.participants.

Access meeting participants
const localParticipant = meeting.localParticipant;
const participants = meeting.participants;

Each participant object consists of:

  • Properties:

    • id: string
    • displayName: string
    • streams: Map<string, Stream>
  • Events:

    • stream-enabled
    • stream-disabled
  • Methods:

    • setQuality(quality: "low" | "med" | "high")
    • enableMic(), disableMic()
    • enableWebcam(), disableWebcam()
    • on(eventType: string), off(eventType: string)

Step 5: Listen for entry request events​

When participant asks for entry in a meeting that you are connected to, you will be notified via entry-requested and when you or any other participant's entry is responded, entry-responded will be fired.

Get request from user
meeting.on("entry-requested", (participantId, name) => {
setEntryRequests([...entryRequestsRef.current, { id: participantId, name }]);

// you can open a dialog to respond with
// decision "allowed" or "denied" with the following method
meeting.respondEntry(participantId, decision);

meeting.on("entry-responded", (participantId, decision) => {
// decision parameter will be: "allowed" or "denied"

entryRequestsRef.current.filter((r) => !== participantId)

Step 6: Listen for new & leaving participant events​

When participant joins or leaves a meeting that you are connected to, you will be notified via participant-joined and participant-left events respectively.

meeting.on("participant-joined", (participant) => {
setParticipants(new Map(meeting.participants));

meeting.on("participant-left", (participant) => {
setParticipants(new Map(meeting.participants));

Step 7: Listen for audio/video stream events​

When a participant from meeting enables or diables a audio/video stream, you will be notified via stream-enabled and stream-disabled events from the participant object.

Listen on stream enabled and disabled
participant.on("stream-enabled", (stream) => {
if (stream.kind === "video") {
// play video track on a <video /> element
} else if (stream.kind === "audio") {
// play audio track on a <audio /> element
} else if (stream.kind === "share") {
// play screen sharing video track on a <video /> element

participant.on("stream-disabled", (stream) => {
if (stream.kind === "video") {
// remove video track or the <video /> element
} else if (stream.kind === "audio") {
// remove audio track or the <audio /> element
} else if (stream.kind === "share") {
// remove screen sharing video track or the <video /> element

Each stream object consists of:

  • Properties:

    • id: string
    • kind: string
    • codec: string
    • track: MediaStreamTrack
  • Methods:

    • pause()
    • resume()

Note: Chrome Autoplay policy workaround​

Chrome's autoplay policy does not allow audio autoplay unless user has interacted with the domain (click, tap, etc.) or the user's Media engagement Index threshold has been crossed. Thus, as a workaround before starting the meeting, user can either create a meeting join page or create a join meeting confirmation dialog by which we can perform a user click interaction to enable audio autoplay in chrome's newer versions.

Step 8: Main screen video (optional)​

When a participant who is currently presenting or speaking is changed in the meeting, you will be notified via main-participant-changed event.

Listen on main participant changed
meeting.on("main-participant-changed", (participant) => {
// show participant video stream on main screen

Step 9: Join the meeting​

After we set local participant, main-screen participant, other participants, participant event handlers and stream event handlers from the meeting, next step is to join the meeting by calling meeting.join(). This will trigger participant-joined event for all other participants.

Leave meeting

Step 10: Utility methods & events (optional)​

Mute/Unmute mic​

Toggle own mic with the unmuteMic() and muteMic() methods. Toggling mic will trigger stream-enabled and stream-disabled events for all other participants when enabling and disabling mic.

Mic methods
// unmute/mute your own mic

// unmute/mute other participant's mic

Enable/Disable Webcam​

Toggle own webcam with the enableWebcam() and disableWebcam() methods. Toggling webcam will trigger stream-enabled and stream-disabled events for all other participants when enabling and disabling webcam.

Webcam methods
// disable/enable your own webcam

// disable/enable other participant's webcam

Enable/Disable Screen share​

Share your screen with the enableScreenShare() method and stop sharing with disableScreenShare(). Toggling screen-share will trigger stream-enabled and stream-disabled events for all other participants when enabling and disabling screen-share.

Screen share methods

Start/Stop recording​

Record the meeting session with startRecording(webhookUrl, awsDirPath) method and stop recording with stopRecording(). Toggling recording will trigger recording-started and recording-stopped events for all participants when starting and stopping recording respectively.

Start and stop recordings methods
// The webhook will be called with the fileUrl as a POST request when the recording is processed.

// ...

meeting.on("recording-started", () => {

// 🔴 notify all users of recording start

meeting.on("recording-stopped", () => {

// âš« notify all users of recording end

In-meeting Chat​

Send messages with the sendChatMessage(text) method and all other participants will be notified via chat-message event.

Send and receive chat message
meeting.sendChatMessage("Hello world!");

// ...

meeting.on("chat-message", (data) => {

const { senderId, text, timestamp } = data;

// 📢 notify user or show in the chat window

Active speaker event​

The speaker-changed event will be fired whenever the loudest speaking participant changes.

Listen on active speaker changed
meeting.on("speaker-changed", (participant) => {
// indicate participant as speaking

Active presenter event​

The presenter-changed event will be fired whenever someone enables screen sharing.

Listen on presenter changed
meeting.on("presenter-changed", (participant) => {
// indicate participant as presenting screen

Set participant video quality​

Update the participant video quality based on use case to "low" | "med" | "high".

Set quelity of receiving stream

Start/Stop video​

Share video link to play with startVideo({ link }) method and stop video with stopVideo(). Toggling video will trigger video-started and video-stopped events for all participants when starting and stopping video respectively. ​

// The webhook will be called with the fileUrl as a POST request when the video is processed.
meeting.startVideo({ link: "" });
// Listening on start of the video stream.
meeting.on("video-started", ({ link, currentTime }) => {
videoRef.current.src = link;
videoRef.current.currentTime = currentTime;

// Listening to the stopped video stream.
meeting.on("video-stopped", () => {
videoRef.current.src = null;

Restream meeting on social media​

Restream meeting on your favorite social media channels using RTMP key and url.

// start livestreaming
url: "rtmp://",
streamKey: "abcd-h6a2-pqrs-vusv-prpf",
// stop livestreaming

Leave the meeting​

You can disconnect from the meeting with meeting.leave() method. This will trigger participant-left event for all other participants.

Leave meeting

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