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Quickstart for Wordpress

Prebuilt SDK enables opportunity to integrate real-time communication SDK without writing explicit code. It just requires 10 minutes to integrate.

In this tutorial, we will be getting knowledge of embeding video call using Prebuilt SDK on wordpress with fewer steps. TBH, it's quite simple.

We hope you are familiar with wordpress and may have already set up in your machine.

Before getting started, you'll need a account. It's free to get started with our API, and embed video calls.

Step 1 : Generate API Key​

Visit settings/api-keys and generate a new API key for integration. For more info you can follow How to generate API Key ?.

Step 2 : Add Pages in Your Wordpress Project​

After signup, very fist step is to Log in to your Wordpress dashboard.

Wordpress Prebuilt

In side bar panel, go to pages > Add New for creating new page.

Wordpress Prebuilt

Step 3 : Add a Custom HTML block to your page​

After creating new page, below screen will appear. For adding HTML block in your page, have to click on Square Plus button on top side.

Wordpress Prebuilt

You can simply add Custom HTML block in page, just by clicking on it.

Wordpress Prebuilt

Step 4 : Add prebuilt code in a HTML block​

White color code snippet will appear, after adding cusotm html block. Copy the code from below snippet.

var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";

script.addEventListener("load", function (event) {
const config = {
name: "Video SDK Live",
meetingId: "prebuilt",
apiKey: "<YOUR API KEY>",

containerId: null,

micEnabled: true,
webcamEnabled: true,
participantCanToggleSelfWebcam: true,
participantCanToggleSelfMic: true,

chatEnabled: true,
screenShareEnabled: true,

const meeting = new VideoSDKMeeting();

script.src =

After that, it will look like this.

Wordpress Prebuilt

After adding code snippet, in apiKey property you need to provide your API KEY which we have generated in Step 1

Wordpress Prebuilt

Step 5 : Join Session​

After updating code snippet, last step is to execute this code by clicking Preview button on code block top side.

Wordpress Prebuilt

After executing code, joining screen will appear.

Wordpress Prebuilt

Press Join button to enter in session.

Wordpress Prebuilt


How to Assign Dynamic Meeting Id​

Step 1 : Pass Dynamic Meeting id as Params​

For assigning dynamic meeting id, we have to pass meeting id as params.

To accomplish that we have to add meetingId=DemoMeeting1 after the url as described below

Wordpress Prebuilt

Step 2 : Fetch Meeting id from params​

After assigning meeting id as params, we have to fetch it in code block, so that we can join the session with dynamic meeting id.

For that we will use URLSearchParams API to get the data in the URL query parameters.

const url = new URLSearchParams(;

For getting meetingId, we will use get(params_name) method

const meetingId = url.get("meetingId")

Now, we need to modify only meetingId property from config object

var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";

script.addEventListener("load", function (event) {
const meeting = new VideoSDKMeeting();

//Get URL query parameters
const url = new URLSearchParams(;

const config = {
// ...
meetingId: url.get("meetingId"), // Get meeting id from params.
// ...


script.src =

For executing code block we can follow this steps Join Session

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