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Version: 0.0.x

PubSub - Flutter

PubSub feature allows the participant to send and receive messages of the topics which he has subscribed.



This method is use for publishing message of specific topic.


  Future<void> publish(
String topic,
String message,
[PubSubPublishOptions options]
Parameter NameTypeDescription
topicStringThis should be the topic for which you are publishing a message.
messageStringThis is the actual message, which will be published to participants, who had subscribed to a particular topic.
optionsPubSubPublishOptionsThis is an object of PubSubPublishOptions, which provides an option, such as persist, which persists message history for upcoming participants.


  // publish()
onPressed: () async {
// Publish a message
await meeting.pubSub.publish(
"CHAT", // Topic
"Hello from Flutter!", // Message Content
const PubSubPublishOptions(
"persist": true // Stores the message in server for future participants

print("Message published");
child: Text("Publish"),


This method is used to subscribe for particular topic. This method returns a list of messages which were sent earlier.


  Future<PubSubMessages> subscribe(
String topic,
Function(PubSubMessage) messageHandler,
Parameter NameTypeDescription
topicStringThis should be the topic to be subscribed.
messageHandlerStringThis is a handler function, which will be called when new message received.


  // subscribe()
onPressed: () async {
// Subscribe 'CHAT' topic and get persisted messages
var messages = await meeting.pubSub.subscribe("CHAT", messageHandler);

// Printing message list
print("Messages: ${ => msg.message).join(" ")}");
child: Text("Subscribe"),

// Message Handler
void messageHandler(msg){
// Do something
print("New message received: $msg");


This method is used to unsubscribe the message topic.


  Future<void> unsubscribe(
String topic,
Function(PubSubMessage) messageHandler,
Parameter NameTypeDescription
topicStringThis should be the topic to be unsubscribed.
messageHandlerStringThis is a handler function, which was passed in subscribe().


  // unsubscribe
onPressed: () {
// Unsubscribe 'CHAT' topic
await meeting.pubSub.unSubscribe("CHAT", messageHandler);
child: Text("UnSubscribe"),

Sample Code​

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:videosdk/rtc.dart';

// ChatScreen
class ChatScreen extends StatefulWidget {
final Meeting meeting;
const ChatScreen({required this.meeting});

_ChatScreenState createState() => _ChatScreenState();

class _ChatScreenState extends State<ChatScreen> {
void initState() {

widget.meeting.pubSub.subscribe("CHAT", messageHandler)
.then((messages) =>
print("Subscribed to chat: ${ => msg.message).join(" ")}"));

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final meeting = widget.meeting;
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: const Text("PubSub Sample Code")),
body: Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
child: const Text("Send Hello !"),
// Publish Hello message
onPressed: () => meeting.pubSub.publish(
const PubSubPublishOptions(persist: true),

// Handle incoming messages
void messageHandler(PubSubMessage message) {
print("New message: ${message.message}");

void dispose() {
// Unsubscribe
widget.meeting.pubSub.unsubscribe("CHAT", messageHandler);

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