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Version: 1.0.x

Stop HLS - Flutter

This could refer to stopping the transmission of an ongoing HLS stream, which would mean the stream is no longer available to viewers.

Stopping HLS​

stopHls() can be used to stop a interactive livestream of the meeting which can be accessed from the Room object.


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:videosdk/videosdk.dart';

class MeetingScreen extends StatefulWidget {

class _MeetingScreenState extends State<MeetingScreen> {
late Room _room;

void initState() {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
child: const Text("Stop HLS"),

Event associated with HLS​

  • hlsStateChanged - Whenever meeting HLS state changes, then hlsStateChanged event will trigger.

  • You will get HLS_STOPPING and HLS_STOPPED status on calling stopHls().

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:videosdk/videosdk.dart';

class MeetingScreen extends StatefulWidget {

class _MeetingScreenState extends State<MeetingScreen> {
late Room room;

void initState() {


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return YourMeetingWidget();

void setupRoomEventListener() {
room.on(Events.hlsStateChanged, (Map<String, dynamic> data) {
//Status can be :: HLS_STARTING
//Status can be :: HLS_STARTED
//Status can be :: HLS_PLAYABLE
//Status can be :: HLS_STOPPING
//Status can be :: HLS_STOPPED
log("Meeting HLS status : ${data['status']}");
if (data['status'] == "HLS_STOPPING")
log("HLS Stopping");
if (data['status'] == "HLS_STOPPED")
log("HLS Stopped");

Custom Template​

With VideoSDK, you can also use your own custom designed layout template to livestream the meetings. In order to use the custom template, you need to create a template for which you can follow this guide. Once you have setup the template, you can use the REST API to start the livestream with the templateURL parameter.

API Reference​

The API references for all the methods utilized in this guide are provided below.

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