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Version: 1.1.x

Release Notes - Flutter

This page will keep you updated with all the releases of Flutter SDK.


Release Date : 17th July 2024

Change Log :

  1. Provided methods to set custom video processors for Android and iOS.

    Docs : Android Setup.

    Docs : iOS Setup.

  2. Provided methods for Virtual Background Effect through VideoSDKMediaEffects Plugin in Android and iOS.

    Docs : Virtual Background.

  • If you are using import 'package:flutter_webrtc/flutter_webrtc.dart' anywhere in your project change it to import 'package:videosdk_webrtc/flutter_webrtc.dart'.


Release Date : 31st May 2024

Change Log :

  1. Provided getter for selected Audio Output Device as selectedSpeakerId.

    Docs : selectedSpeakerId.

  2. Provided Built-In Receiver(Earpiece) support for iOS Devices.

  3. Provided transcription parameter in startLivestream method of the Room class.

    Docs : startLivestream.

Bug Fix :

  1. Fixed bugs in getters of selected Audio Input(selectedMicId) and Video (selectedCamId) Devices.

  2. Triggered the streamdisabled event of the participant object when a participant leaves the meeting.

  3. Fixed an issue where users were unable to join meetings without media permissions.

  4. Disposed media tracks for the Firefox browser in the getVideoDevices and getAudioDevices methods.


Release Date : 20th May 2024

Change Log :

  1. Provided Pre-Call Screen features.
  • Provided getDevices() method in VideoSDK class to get list of media input/output devices.

    Docs : getDevices()

  • Provided getVideoDevices() method in VideoSDK class to get list of camera input devices.

    Docs : getVideoDevices()

  • Provided getAudioDevices() method in VideoSDK class to get list of audio input devices.

    Docs : getAudioDevices()

  • Provided deviceChanged() event in VideoSDK class, which gets triggered whenever a media device is connected or removed from the system.

    Docs : deviceChanged()

  • Provided requestPermissions() method in VideoSDK class to request a media permission.

    Docs : requestPermissions()

  • Provided checkPermissions() method in VideoSDK class to check status of a media permissions.

    Docs : checkPermissions()

  • Provided requestBluetoothPermission() method in VideoSDK class to request bluetooth permission.

    Docs : requestBluetoothPermission()

  • Provided checkBluetoothPermission() method in VideoSDK class to check status of bluetooth permission.

    Docs : checkBluetoothPermission()


Release Date : 6th May 2024

Change Log :

  1. Added support for post and realtime transcription feature

Bug Fix :

  1. Fixed an issue related to video and screenShare for firefox browser


Release Date : 25th April 2024

Change Log :

  1. Upgrade internal dependencies.

Bug Fix :

  1. Fixed voice coming from earpiece issue in iOS.
  2. Fixed not able to start screenShare issue for android 14


Release Date : 5th April 2024

Bug Fix :

  1. Fixed Rendering issue with Windows Platform.


Release Date : 27th Oct 2023

Change Log :

  1. Added metaData property associated with Participant to pass additional information.
  2. Added payload feature in PubSub to pass additional payload data.
  3. Added sendOnly feature to PubSub to Publish data for only Participants mentioned.


Release Date : 18th Sep 2023

Bug Fix :

  1. Fixed issues with mediaConstraints on the arm64-v8a and x86_64 architectures.[below Android version 10]


Release Date : 8th Aug 2023

Change Log :

  1. Internal improvements.

Bug Fix :

  1. [Web] Fixed audio was missing to remote participant while local participant toggle mic.


Release Date : 17th July 2023

Change Log :

  1. Upgraded internal dependencies

Bug Fix :

  1. Fixed mic state was inconsistent.
  2. [Android] Fixed crash issue for below Android 10.
  3. [Android] Fixed issue with screen share foreground service.


Release Date : 2nd June 2023

Bug Fix :

  1. [Web] Fixed VideoSDK Stats issues with latest chrome browser


Release Date : 19th May 2023

Change Log :

  1. Added screenShare feature support for flutter Windows

  2. Added getScreenShareSources() method for Desktop Apps

    Docs :


Release Date : 16th May 2023

Change Log :

  1. Added support of screenShare feature for Flutter Web and MacOS platform


Release Date : 25th Apr 2023

Change Log :

  1. Added Beta support for Mac and Windows Platforms
  2. Added Beta support for Flutter Web Platform

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