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Version: 1.1.x

Custom Video Track - Flutter

  • You can create a Video Track using createCameraVideoTrack() method of VideoSDK class.
  • This method can be used to create video track using different encoding parameters, camera facing mode, and optimization mode.


  • cameraId:

    • type: String
    • required: false
    • It will be the id of the camera from which the video should be captured.
  • encoderConfig:

    • type: CustomTrackVideoConfig
    • required: false
    • default: h360p_w640p
    • You can chose from the below mentioned list of values for the encoder config.
Encoder ConfigResolutionFrame RateBitrate
h90p_w160p160x9015 fps60000 kbps
h180p_w320p320x18015 fps120000 kbps
h216p_w384p384x21615 fps180000 kbps
h360p_w640p640x36020 fps300000 kbps
h540p_w960p960x54025 fps600000 kbps
h720p_w1280p1280x72030 fps2000000 kbps
h1080p_w1920p1920x108030 fps3000000 kbps
h1440p_w2560p2560x144030 fps5000000 kbps
h2160p_w3840p3840x216030 fps8000000 kbps
h120p_w160p160x12015 fps80000 kbps
h180p_w240p240x18015 fps100000 kbps
h240p_w320p320x24015 fps150000 kbps
h360p_w480p480x36020 fps225000 kbps
h480p_w640p640x48025 fps300000 kbps
h540p_w720p720x54030 fps450000 kbps
h720p_w960p960x72030 fps1500000 kbps
h1080p_w1440p1440x108030 fps2500000 kbps
h1440p_w1920p1920x144030 fps3500000 kbps

Above mentioned encoder configurations are valid for both, landscape as well as portrait mode.

  • facingMode:

    • type: String
    • required: false
    • Allowed values : front | environment
    • It will specify whether to use front or back camera for the video track.
  • multiStream

    • type: boolean
    • required: false
    • default: true
    • It will specify if the stream should send multiple resolution layers or single resolution layer.

MultiStream functionality is not supported in the Firefox browser. VideoSDK will only send one stream for Firefox browsers.

  • To learn more about optimizations and best practices for using custom video tracks, follow this guide.
  • This parameter is only available from v1.0.9.


  • Future<CustomTrack>


CustomTrack videoTrack = await VideoSDK.createCameraVideoTrack(
encoderConfig: CustomVideoTrackConfig.h1440p_w1920p,
multiStream: false,

Custom Audio Track - Flutter

  • You can create a Audio Track using createMicrophoneAudioTrack() method of VideoSDK class.
  • This method can be used to create audio track using different encoding parameters and noise cancellation configuration.


  • microphoneId:

    • type: String
    • required: false
    • It will be the id of the mic from which the audio should be captured.
  • encoderConfig:

    • type: CustomTrackAudioConfig
    • required: false
    • default: speech_standard
    • You can chose from the below mentioned list of values for the encoder config.
Encoder ConfigBitrateAuto GainEcho CancellationNoise Suppression
speech_low_quality16 kbpsTRUETRUETRUE
speech_standard24 kbpsTRUETRUETRUE
music_standard32 kbpsFALSEFALSEFALSE
standard_stereo64 kbpsFALSEFALSEFALSE
high_quality128 kbpsFALSEFALSEFALSE
high_quality_stereo192 kbpsFALSEFALSEFALSE
  • noiseConfig

    • echoCancellation

      • type: boolean
      • required: false
      • If true echo cancellation will turned on else it would be turned off.
    • autoGainControl

      • type: boolean
      • required: false
      • If true auto gain will turned on else it would be turned off.
    • noiseSuppression

      • type: boolean
      • required: false
      • If true noise suppression will turned on else it would be turned off.


  • Future<CustomTrack>


CustomTrack audioTrack = await VideoSDK.createMicrophoneAudioTrack(
encoderConfig: CustomAudioTrackConfig.high_quality);

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