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Version: 1.2.x

Meeting Error Codes - Flutter

4001INVALID_API_KEY'apikey' provided in the token is empty or invalid, please verify it on the dashboard.
4002INVALID_TOKEN'token' is empty or invalid or might have expired.
4003INVALID_MEETING_ID'meetingId' is empty or invalid, please verify it or generate new meetingId using the API.
4004INVALID_PARTICIPANT_ID'participantId' is empty or invalid, it shouldn't contain any whitespaces.
4005DUPLICATE_PARTICIPANTLeaving meeting, since this 'participantId' joined from another device.
4006ACCOUNT_DEACTIVATEDIt seems your account is deactivated by VideoSDK for some reason, you can reach out to us at
4007ACCOUNT_DISCONTINUEDServer will respond you with specific message.
4008INVALID_PERMISSIONS'permissions' provided in the token are invalid, please don't use 'allow_join' or 'allow_mod' with 'ask_join'.
4009MAX_PARTICIPANT_REACHEDYou have reached max participant limit in a meeting. To increase contact at'
4010MAX_SPEAKER_REACHEDYou have reached max speaker limit in a meeting. To increase contact at'
4011START_RECORDING_FAILEDRecording start request failed due to an unknown error.
4012STOP_RECORDING_FAILEDRecording stop request failed due to an unknown error.
4013START_LIVESTREAM_FAILEDLivestream start request failed due to an unknown error.
4014STOP_LIVESTREAM_FAILEDLivestream stop request failed due to an unknown error.
4015INVALID_LIVESTREAM_CONFIGLivestream 'outputs' configuration provided was invalid.
4016START_HLS_FAILEDHLS start request failed due to an unknown error.
4017STOP_HLS_FAILEDHLS stop request failed due to an unknown error.
4018PREV_RECORDING_PROCESSINGPrevious recording session is being processed, please try again after few seconds.
4019PREV_RTMP_RECORDING_PROCESSINGPrevious RTMP recording session is being processed, please try again after few seconds!
4020PREV_HLS_STREAMING_PROCESSINGPrevious HLS streaming session is being processed, please try again after few seconds!
4021ADD_ON_SERVICES_DISABLEDAdd-On services are disabled for your account! Please contact us at!
4022UNAUTHORIZED_MEETING_ID'token' is not valid for the provided meetingId
4023UNAUTHORIZED_PARTCIPANT_ID'token' is not valid for the provided participantId
4024UNAUTHORIZED_ROLERole provided in 'token' is not valid for joining the meeting
4025UNAUTHORIZED_REQUESTYour request does not match the security configuration
4026MAX_SPEAKER_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATIONYou have reached max speaker limit on organization. To increase contact at
4027MAX_VIEWER_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATIONYou have reached max viewer limit on organization. To increase contact at
4028MAX_RECORDING_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATIONYou have reached max limit of recording on organization. To increase contact at
4029MAX_HLS_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATIONYou have reached max limit of hls on organization. To increase contact at
4030MAX_LIVESTREAM_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATIONYou have reached max limit of livestream on organization. To increase contact at
4031START_TRANSCRIPTION_FAILEDTranscription start request failed due to an unknown error.
4032STOP_TRANSCRIPTION_FAILEDTranscription stop request failed due to an unknown error.
4035START_PARTICIPANT_RECORDING_FAILEDParticipant recording start request failed due to an unknown error.
4036STOP_PARTICIPANT_RECORDING_FAILEDParticipant recording stop request failed due to an unknown error.
4037START_TRACK_RECORDING_FAILEDTrack recording start request failed due to an unknown error.
4038STOP_TRACK_RECORDING_FAILEDTrack recording stop request failed due to an unknown error.
5001RECORDING_FAILEDRecording stopped due to an unknown error.
5002LIVESTREAM_FAILEDLivestream stopped due to an unknown error.
5003HLS_FAILEDHLS stopped due to an unknown error.
5004RECORDING_DURATION_LIMIT_REACHEDRecording has been automatically stopped by the system, due to max duration limit of 2 hours reached for a single Recording.
5005LIVESTREAM_DURATION_LIMIT_REACHEDLivestream has been automatically stopped by the system, due to max duration limit of 2 hours reached for a single RTMP.
5006HLS_DURATION_LIMIT_REACHEDHls has been automatically stopped by the system, due to max duration limit of 2 hours reached for a single HLS.
5007TRANSCRIPTION_FAILEDTranscription stopped due to an unknown error.
5012PARTICIPANT_RECORDING_FAILEDParticipant recording stopped due to an unknown error.
5013TRACK_RECORDING_FAILEDTrack recording stopped due to an unknown error.
3001ERROR_CUSTOM_VIDEO_TRACK_DISPOSEDThe provided custom video track has been disposed of, and is now in an ended state. Reverting to the default video track.
3002ERROR_CUSTOM_AUDIO_TRACK_DISPOSEDThe provided custom audio track has been disposed of, and is now in an ended state. Reverting to the default audio track.
3003ERROR_CAMERA_IN_USEThe camera is being used by another application. Please close any programs utilizing the camera, such as video conferencing tools, screen recording software, or other browsers. Restart your browser and attempt again.
3004ERROR_MICROPHONE_IN_USEThe microphone is being used by another application. Please close any programs utilizing the microphone, such as video conferencing tools, screen recording software, or other browsers. Restart your browser and attempt again.
3005ERROR_CAMERA_ACCESS_UNAVAILABLECamera access unavailable: Please ensure your device is compatible and that you're on a secure website (https://).
3006ERROR_MICROPHONE_ACCESS_UNAVAILABLEMicrophone access unavailable: Please ensure your device is compatible and that you're on a secure website (https://).
3007ERROR_CAMERA_ACCESS_DENIED_OR_DISMISSEDCamera access was denied or dismissed. To proceed, kindly grant access manually through your device/browser settings.
3008ERROR_MICROPHONE_ACCESS_DENIED_OR_DISMISSEDMicrophone access was denied or dismissed. To proceed, kindly grant access through your device/browser settings.
3009ERROR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED_BY_OSCamera permission denied by OS system settings. Please check the system settings and grant permission for this browser.
3010ERROR_MICROPHONE_PERMISSION_DENIED_BY_OSMicrophone permission denied by OS system settings. Please check the system settings and grant permission for this browser.
3011ERROR_STARTING_VIDEOSomething went wrong, and the webCam could not be enabled. Please try again.
3012ERROR_STARTING_AUDIOSomething went wrong, and the microphone could not be enabled. Please try again.
3013ERROR_STARTING_SCREENSHARESomething went wrong, and the screenshare could not be enabled. Please try again.
3014ERROR_SCREENSHARE_PERMISSION_DENIEDScreen sharing permission was denied. To enable screen sharing, please try again and grant the necessary permissions.
3015ERROR_SCREENSHARE_NOT_SUPPORTEDScreenshare not supported: Unable to generate a screenshare stream. Please ensure your device/browser is compatible.
3016ERROR_STARTING_FOREGROUND_SERVICEAn error occurred while initializing the foreground service, preventing screenshare from being enabled. Please try again.
3017ERROR_CREATING_VIDEO_TRACKAn error occurred while creating the video track. Please try again.
3018ERROR_CREATING_AUDIO_TRACKAn error occurred while creating the audio track. Please try again.
3019ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE_INCOMPATIBLECamera device cannot produce video: Unable to produce video stream. Please ensure your device is compatible.
3020ERROR_MICROPHONE_DEVICE_INCOMPATIBLEMicrophone device cannot produce audio: Unable to produce audio stream. Please ensure your device is compatible.
3021ERROR_CHANGING_MODESomething went wrong, and the mode could not be changed. Please try again.
3022ERROR_ACTION_PERFORMED_BEFORE_MEETING_JOINEDSomething went wrong. The room was in a connecting state, and during that time, an action encountered an issue. Please try again after joining a meeting.
3023ERROR_JOINING_MEETINGSomething went wrong. The meeting could not be joined. Please try again.

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