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Version: 1.3.x

Participant Video Stream - Flutter

  • Using this feature, you can pause/resume participant's video stream.

Pause video stream​

  • pause() method is used to pause videostream of a participant.
child: Text("Pause Video"),
onPressed: () {
List<Stream> streams = participant.streams.where((e) => e.kind == 'video').toList();

if(streams.length != 0){
Stream videoStream = streams[0];

Resume video stream​

  • resume() method is used to resume videostream of a participant.
child: Text("Resume Video"),
onPressed: () {
List<Stream> streams = participant.streams.where((e) => e.kind == 'video').toList();

if(streams.length != 0){
Stream videoStream = streams[0];


Event associated with pause():

Event associated with resume():

participant.on(Events.streamPaused, (Stream stream){
if (stream.kind === "video") {
//particiapnt video stream paused
participant.on(Events.streamResumed, (Stream stream){
if (stream.kind === "video") {
//particiapnt video stream resumed

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