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Version: 1.2.x

Realtime Transcription - Flutter

Realtime transcription allows you to transcribe audio content into text in real-time during a session. This guide will walk you through using the startTranscription() and stopTranscription() functions to manage realtime transcription in your application.

Moreover, VideoSDK offers flexibility in configuring real-time transcription, allowing you to set up webhooks for this purpose.

Integrating Realtime Transcription Feature​

alt text

The above image represents,

  1. Start Transcription: The SDK Client initiates real-time transcription using the startTranscription method.

  2. Resource Acquisition: VideoSDK server requests necessary resources from transcription service.

    • If the request is denied, the server sends a transcription-failed event to the SDK Client.
    • If the request is successful, the server sends a transcription-started event to the client, indicating that transcription has begun.
  3. Transcription Data: As transcription progresses, the client receives transcription-text event with data such as the text itself, participant ID, and timestamp.

  4. Stop Transcription: When the client decides to stop transcription, it informs the VideoSDK server to release resources.

    • The server then sends a transcription-stopped event to confirm that transcription has ended and resources are released.

Step 1: Configure Realtime Transcription​

  • In this step, we set up the configuration for realtime transcription. We define the webhook URL where the webhooks will be received.
// Realtime Transcription Configuration
TranscriptionConfig transcriptionConfig = TranscriptionConfig(
webhookUrl: "",
summaryConfig: SummaryConfig(
enabled: true,
"Write summary in sections like Title, Agenda, Speakers, Action Items, Outlines, Notes and Summary"));

Step 2: Listen for the transcription events​

  • Here, we configure the callback methods for transcription events.
// Listen for transcription state changed event
room.on(Events.transcriptionStateChanged, (Map<String, dynamic> data) {
var status = data['status'];
var id = data['id'];

if (TranscriptionState.TRANSCRIPTION_STARTING == status) {
"onTranscriptionStateChanged, Realtime Transcription is starting, ID: $id");
} else if (TranscriptionState.TRANSCRIPTION_STARTED == status) {
"onTranscriptionStateChanged, Realtime Transcription has started, ID: $id");
} else if (TranscriptionState.TRANSCRIPTION_STOPPING == status) {
"onTranscriptionStateChanged, Realtime Transcription is stopping, ID: $id");
} else if (TranscriptionState.TRANSCRIPTION_STOPPED == status) {
"onTranscriptionStateChanged, Realtime Transcription has stopped, ID: $id");
} else {
"onTranscriptionStateChanged, Realtime Transcription status $status, ID: $id");

// Listen for transcription text event
room.on(Events.transcriptionText, (TranscriptionText transcriptionText) {
print("TranscriptionText : ${transcriptionText.participantName} (${transcriptionText.participantId}) : ${transcriptionText.text} ${transcriptionText.timestamp}");


Step 3: Start realtime transcription​

  • Initiate the realtime transcription using the startTranscription() method.
// Starts realtime transcription
room.startTranscription(transcriptionConfig: transcriptionConfig);

Step 4: Stop realtime transcription​

  • Terminate the realtime transcription using the stopTranscription() method.
// Stops realtime transcription

You can access a summary of your realtime transcription using the Fetch Realtime Transcription API.


  • The following code snippet allows you to start and stop realtime transcription with just a click. When you click the "Start Realtime Transcription" button, it begins realtime transcription. Clicking the "Stop Realtime Transcription" button ends the realtime transcription.
import 'dart:developer';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:videosdk/videosdk.dart';

class MeetingScreen extends StatefulWidget {

class _MeetingScreenState extends State<MeetingScreen> {
// Room object
late Room _room;

void initState() {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(children: [
onPressed: () {
// Configuration for realtime transcription
TranscriptionConfig transcriptionConfig = TranscriptionConfig(
webhookUrl: "",
summaryConfig: SummaryConfig(
enabled: true,
"Write summary in sections like Title, Agenda, Speakers, Action Items, Outlines, Notes and Summary"));
// Start realtime transcription
_room.startTranscription(transcriptionConfig: transcriptionConfig);
child: const Text("Start Realtime Transcription"),
onPressed: () {
// Stop realtime transcription
child: const Text("Stop Realtime Transcription"),

void setupRoomEventListener() {
// Listen for transcription state changed event
_room.on(Events.transcriptionStateChanged, (Map<String, dynamic> data) {
log("Meeting transcription status : ${data['status']}");

// Listen for transcription text event
_room.on(Events.transcriptionText, (TranscriptionText transcriptionText) {
"TranscriptionText : ${transcriptionText.participantName} (${transcriptionText.participantId}) : ${transcriptionText.text} ${transcriptionText.timestamp}");

API Reference​

The API references for all the methods utilized in this guide are provided below.

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