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Initialise Meeting - Flutter

To configure a VideoSDK meeting you require two things, first the token which will be used for Authentication purpose and a meetingId which will be used to specify where a participant will join. Let's see each of the steps closely.

Generating Token​

You can generate a token in two ways:

  1. Temporary Token : You can visit Dashboard's API Key section and generate the temporary token from there.

  2. Server : You can setup JWT in backend and make an API call to get the token from your server.

To learn more about Authentication and token in detail you can follow this guide.

// With Temporary Token
Future<String> getToken() async {
// Update the token here from the VideoSDK dashboard
let token = "YOUR_TOKEN";
return token;

// Server
// API call to create meeting
Future<String> getToken(String token) async {
final http.Response httpResponse = await
//Using the VideoSDK API Endpoint

//Destructuring the roomId from the response
return json.decode(httpResponse.body)['token'];

Generating Meeting Id​

With the token ready, we can get the meetingId from the VideoSDK's rooms API.

// API call to create meeting
Future<String> createMeeting(String token) async {
final http.Response httpResponse = await
//Using the VideoSDK API Endpoint
//Passing the token in headers
headers: {'Authorization': token},

//Destructuring the roomId from the response
return json.decode(httpResponse.body)['roomId'];

Initialization of Meeting​

We can initialize a new meeting using the createRoom method of the VideoSDK class. createRoom method returns a Room object, which will be configured using the provided token, meetingId, participantId and other parameters.


Let's take a deeper look at the available configuration options first.

Room room = VideoSDK.createRoom(
roomId: "Meeting-d",
token: "Token",
displayName: "<Name-of-participant>",
micEnabled: "<Flag-to-enable-mic>",,
camEnabled: "<Flag-to-enable-webcam>",
participantId: "Id-of-participant", // optional, default: SDK will generate
  • roomId :

    • roomId is unique identifiers that allow participants to join a specific meeting or room.
    • It will be in the format of xxx-yyy-zzz and will be generated using the VideoSDK's Room API.
  • displayName:

    • This will represent the name of the participant in the meeting.
    • It will accept Stringtype value.
  • micEnabled:

    • This is a boolean flag, indicating whether a participant's microphone will be automatically enabled when they join a meeting.
  • camEnabled:

    • This is a boolean flag, indicating whether a participant's webcam will be automatically enabled when they join a meeting.
  • participantId:

    • This will be the unique identifier for the participant inside the meeting.

      • It can be used to specify the unique identifier which can be linked with your own database service.
      • It has to be of String type.
      • This is an OPTIONAL parameter. By default VideoSDK will generate unique id for each participant.

You must ensure that the participantId is not repeated in the same meeting or room, It will enable VideoSDK to eliminate any participant respect to that participantId.

To know more about other properties, you can follow our API Reference.

With all the configuration options explained, here is how you will be using the MeetingProvider.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:videosdk/videosdk.dart';

class MeetingScreen extends StatefulWidget {
final String meetingId;
final String token;

const MeetingScreen(
{super.key, required this.meetingId, required this.token});

State<MeetingScreen> createState() => _MeetingScreenState();

class _MeetingScreenState extends State<MeetingScreen> {
late Room _room;

void initState() {
//Creating a new Room based on the passed meetingId and token from the Joining Screen
// create room
_room = VideoSDK.createRoom(
roomId: widget.meetingId,
token: widget.token,
displayName: "John Doe",
micEnabled: true,
camEnabled: true,
1, // Index of MediaDevices will be used to set default camera

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return YourMeetingWidget();

API Reference​

The API references for all the methods utilized in this guide are provided below.

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