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Version: 2.0.x

External Call Detection Event - iOS

External Call Detection Event - iOS​

The onExternalCallStarted in VideoSDK notifies you when a participant is on another call during a meeting.


  • Whenever the local participant accepts an incoming call or places an outgoing call, the onExternalCallStarted event is triggered. This event is received only by the local participant.

  • For example, suppose a meeting is running with Alice and Bob. If Alice receives a call or makes a call, only Alice will receive the onExternalCallStarted event.

  • You can implement this method of the abstract Class MeetingEventListener and add the listener to Meeting class using the addEventListener() method of Meeting Class.


extension MeetingViewController: MeetingEventListener {
func onExternalCallStarted() {
print("Inside MeetingViewController: External call started event received.")

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