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Version: 0.0.x


This feature allows participant for establishing connection and getting information from other meetings. Also, a participant will have basic control over other running meetings.

For example, there are two meetings running parallelly Meeting A and Meeting B, in case one of the participant from Meeting A wants to access information of Meeting B without joining it, now this can be achieved by establishing connection between meetings, so that participants of Meeting A and Meeting B will get all the updates from each other.

For This feature, we introduce three new entities/classes :

  1. Connection
  2. ConnectionMeeting
  3. ConnectionParticipants

1. Connection​

Whenever new connection establish between meetings, Connection instance is created inside Meeting class property connections.

Connection object properties :​

Property NameTypeDescription
idstringUnique id of the connection.
payloadstringThe payload you define during the connection.
meetingConnectionMeetingConnected Meeting Instance.

2. ConnectionMeeting​

This entity is the instance of connected Meeting.

ConnectionMeeting object properties :​

Property NameTypeDescription
idstringUnique id of the connection meeting.
participantsMap of ConnectionParticipantsParticipants of connected meeting.
  • This ConnectionMeeting instance will provide only limited functionality and controls over the connected meetings.
  • You will not able to access each and every control of that connected meetings.

3. ConnectionParticipants​

ConnectionParticipants object properties :​

Property NameTypeDescription
idstringUnique id of the participant.
displaynamestringDisplayname of Participant.

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