PubSub - Javascript
PubSub feature allows the participant to send and receive messages of the topics which he has subscribed.
This method is use for publishing message of specific topic.
function publish(topic: String, message: String, { persist : Boolean });
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
topic | String | This should be the topic for which you are publishing a message. |
message | String | This is the actual message, which will be published to participants, who had subscribed to a particular topic. |
options | Object | This is an object, which provides an option, such as persist , which persists message history for upcoming participants. |
function sendMessage() {
meeting?.pubSub?.publish(topic: "CHAT", message: "Hello Everyone!", { persist: true })
This method is used to subscribe for particular topic. This method returns a list of messages which were sent earlier.
function subscribe(topic: String, onMessageReceived: function);
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
topic | String | This should be the topic to be subscribed. |
onMessageReceived | function | This is a callback function, which will be called, when new message received. |
// Callback function
function onMessageReceived(data) {
console.log(`New message received: ${data.message}`);
function subscribe() {
// Subscribe 'CHAT' topic
meeting?.pubSub?.subscribe("CHAT", onMessageReceived);
This method is used to unsubscribe the message topic.
function unsubscribe(topic:String, onMessageReceived: function);
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
topic | String | This should be the topic to be unsubscribed. |
onMessageReceived | function | This is a callback function, which was passed in subscribe() . |
function unsubscribe() {
// Unsubscribe 'CHAT' topic
meeting?.pubSub?.unsubscribe("CHAT", onMessageReceived);
Sample Code​
//subscribe to the 'CHAT' on meeting join
meeting.on("meeting-joined", () => {
meeting.pubSub.subscribe("CHAT", (data) => {
let { message, senderId, senderName, timestamp } = data;
const chatBox = document.getElementById("chatArea");
const chatTemplate = `
<div style="margin-bottom: 10px; ${ == senderId && "text-align : right"
<span style="font-size:12px;">${senderName}</span>
<div style="margin-top:5px">
<span style="background:${ == senderId ? "grey" : "crimson"
chatBox.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", chatTemplate);
//publish chat meesage on button click
btnSend.addEventListener("click", async () => {
const message = document.getElementById("txtChat").value;
console.log("publish : ", message);
document.getElementById("txtChat").value = "";
.publish("CHAT", message, { persist: true })
.then((res) => console.log(`response of publish : ${res}`))
.catch((err) => console.log(`error of publish : ${err}`));
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