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Version: 0.0.x

Share Your Screen - Javascript

Whenever any participant wants to share either the complete screen, a specific window or, a browser tab, they can simply do it with VideoSDK Meeting.

This guide will provide an overview of how to use enable and disable Screen Share in a meeting.

  1. Enable Screen Share - By using enableScreenShare() function, a participant can publish screen stream to other participants.
  2. Disable Screen Share - By using disableScreenShare() function, a participant can stop publishing screen stream to other participants.

Enable, Disable Screen Share​

const onPress = () => {
// Enabling ScreenShare

// Disabling ScreenShare


Events associated with enableScreenShare():

Events associated with disableScreenShare():

participant.on("stream-enabled", (stream) => {
if (stream.kind === "share") {
//particiapnt turned on screen share
//Render screenshare logic here

participant.on("stream-disabled", (stream) => {
if (stream.kind === "share") {
//particiapnt turned off screenshare
//remove screenshare logic here

meeting.on("presenter-changed", (presenterId) => {
if (presenterId) {
//someone start presenting
} else {
//someone stopped presenting

Screen Share with Audio​

To do screen share with audio, select the Share tab audio option when sharing the chrome tab as shown below.

Screen Share with Audio

After clicking Share button, you will receive a selected tab audio stream in the participant stream-enabled callback with kind as shareAudio.

participant.on("stream-enabled", (stream) => {
if (stream.kind == "shareAudio") {
const audioElem = createShareAudioElement(, stream);

//add audioElem to your container

// creating audio element
function createShareAudioElement(pId, stream) {
if (pId == return;

let audioElement = document.createElement("audio");
audioElement.setAttribute("autoPlay", false);
audioElement.setAttribute("playsInline", "false");
audioElement.setAttribute("controls", "false");
audioElement.setAttribute("id", `a-share-${pId}`); = "none";

const mediaStream = new MediaStream();
audioElement.srcObject = mediaStream;
.catch((error) => console.error(" failed", error));
return audioElement;

Screen Share with Audio feature is only supported while sharing chrome tab on Google Chrome browser only.

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