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Switch Participant - Javascript

If you are running more than one meeting concurrently and want to switch particular participant over meetings, VideoSDK Provide switchTo method to achieve this kind of setup.


  • switchTo - This method is used for switching participant of one meeting to another meeting. This method accept meetingId, token and payload as an object.

    • meetingId - This should be the meetingId where you want to switch that participant from the joined meeting.


  • switch-meeting - This event will emit at participant side who is going to be switch with arguments meetingId, payload and token.
  • While calling switchTo(), you need to pass a pre-generated token so that participant can reinitialize and join that meeting with the latest token on switch-meeting event.
  • switch-meeting event will not switch that participant without any action.


Meeting_A and Meeting_B are running paralleley, there are participants P1, P2 in Meeting_A and P3 in Meeting_B, now Meeting_A participant P1 wants to switch P2 participant from Meeting_A to Meeting_B or other meeting, then participant P1 will call:

switchTo({ meetingId, token, payload })

after that P2 from Meeting_A will receive an event switch-meeting with Meeting_B Id .

Method and Event Code

// Get participant of meeting A
const Participant = meeting.participants.get("<participant-id>");

const onClick = () => {
const meetingId = "<meeting-B-id>"; // <meeting-B-id> || <other-meeting-id>
const token = "JWT";
const payload = "payload";

Participant.switchTo({ meetingId, token, payload });

// This event will be emitted to participant P2 of Meeting A.
meeting.on("switch-meeting", ({ meetingId, payload, token }) => {});

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