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Version: 0.0.x

Waiting Lobby - Javascript


With our Javascript SDK, you can implement a waiting lobby feature, which allows the host to control which participants can join the meeting by allowing or denying access. Here are the steps for implementing the waiting lobby.

Generating Tokens in Your Backend​

Your server should generate access tokens using your API key and secret. Two different tokens need to be generated with different permissions:

HOST Token Payload​

// ...
apikey: API_KEY, // Your API key
permissions: ['allow_join'], // Permission to directly join the meeting
// ...

GUEST Token Payload​

// ...
apikey: API_KEY, // Your API key
permissions: ['ask_join'], // Permission to ask the host for permission to join the meeting
// ...

Explanation of parameters:

  • apikey (Mandatory): Your API key generated from the VideoSDK Dashboard, which can be obtained here.

  • permissions (Mandatory): Permissions that control participant activity. Available permissions include:

    • allow_join: Participants are allowed to join the meeting directly.
    • ask_join: Participants need to ask for permission to join the meeting. Participants with the allow_join permission can accept or reject others' join requests.
    • allow_mod: Participants are allowed to toggle webcam and mic of other participants.

Then, sign this payload with your SECRET KEY and use the HS256 algorithm. For more details on authentication and tokens, refer to this guide.

Generating Meeting Id​

With the tokens ready, you can obtain the meetingId from the VideoSDK's rooms API, which can be found here.

Refer to this guide for generating the meetingId.

Initialization of Meeting​

Initialize the meeting using the initMeeting method of the VideoSDK class. The initMeeting is responsible for setting up the meeting with the provided configuration, including the meetingId, participantId, and more.

For detailed configuration options, check here.

// If a participant joins as a host, provide them with the "allow_join" permission token.
// Otherwise, provide the "ask_join" permission token.
isHost ? "allow_join token will be here" : "ask_join token will be here"

const meeting = VideoSDK.initMeeting({
meetingId: "<Id-of-meeting>",
name: "<Name-of-participant>",
micEnabled: "<Flag-to-enable-mic>",
webcamEnabled: "<Flag-to-enable-webcam>",
participantId: "Id-of-participant", // optional, default: SDK will generate

Events associated with Waiting Lobby​

The following events are received when a participant successfully joins the meeting.

  • When a participant joins as a host, they will receive an entry-requested event whenever a guest participant tries to join the meeting.

  • When a host allows a guest participant to join the meeting, the guest will receive an entry-responded event with the newly joined Participant object.

meeting.on("entry-requested", (data) => {
const { participantId, name, allow, deny } = data;

console.log(`${name} requested to join the meeting.`);

// If you want to allow the entry request

// if you want to deny the entry request

meeting.on("entry-responded", (participantId, decision) => {
// participantId will be id of participant who requested to join meeting

if (decision === "allowed") {
// entry allowed
} else {
// entry denied

API Reference​

Here are the API references for all the methods and events used in this guide:

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