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Version: 0.3.x

Release Notes - Prebuilt

This page will keep you update all the releases of Prebuilt SDK.


Release Date : 27th Mar 2024

Change log :

  • Error logs added :
ERROR_CAMERA_ACCESS_DENIED_OR_DISMISSED3017Oops! It seems like camera access was denied or dismissed. To proceed, kindly grant access through your browser settings.
ERROR_MICROPHONE_ACCESS_DENIED_OR_DISMISSED3018Oops! It seems like microphone access was denied or dismissed. To proceed, kindly grant access through your browser settings.
ERROR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED_BY_OS3019Camera permission denied by OS system settings. Please check the system settings and grant permission for this browser.
ERROR_MICROPHONE_PERMISSION_DENIED_BY_OS3020Microphone permission denied by OS system settings. Please check the system settings and grant permission for this browser.
ERROR_CAMERA_NOT_FOUND3021Please ensure your camera is connected and turned on, and that the camera driver is installed and up-to-date.
ERROR_MICROPHONE_NOT_FOUND3022Please ensure your microphone is connected and turned on.
ERROR_CAMERA_IN_USE3023The camera is being used by another application. Please close any programs utilizing the camera, such as video conferencing tools, screen recording software, or other browsers. Restart your browser and attempt again.
ERROR_MICROPHONE_IN_USE3024The microphone is being used by another application. Please close any programs utilizing the microphone, such as video conferencing tools, screen recording software, or other browsers. Restart your browser and attempt again.
ERROR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_OR_AUTOPLAY_ISSUE3025It seems like there's an issue with camera permission or video autoplay, you can check out this link for details:
ERROR_VIDEO_SOURCE_INITIATION_FAILED3026Unable to initiate video source. Please verify browser settings for video permissions.
ERROR_WEBCAM_TRACK_ENDED3027Webcam track has ended or the webcam is disconnected. Please ensure your webcam is properly connected and try restarting it.
ERROR_MICROPHONE_TRACK_ENDED3028Microphone track has ended or the microphone is disconnected. Please check your microphone connection and try again.
ERROR_INVALID_CUSTOM_VIDEO_TRACK3029The provided custom video track is invalid; reverting to the default video track. Please ensure that the video track meets the required specifications.
ERROR_INVALID_CUSTOM_AUDIO_TRACK3030The provided custom audio track is invalid; reverting to the default audio track. Please ensure that the audio track meets the required specifications.
ERROR_CUSTOM_VIDEO_TRACK_ENDED3031The provided custom video track is in an ended state. Please verify the video track's status, and try again.
ERROR_CUSTOM_AUDIO_TRACK_ENDED3032The provided custom audio track is in an ended state. Please verify the audio track's status, and try again.
ERROR_CAMERA_ACCESS_UNAVAILABLE3033Camera access unavailable: Please ensure your device is compatible and that you're on a secure website (https://).
ERROR_MICROPHONE_ACCESS_UNAVAILABLE3034Microphone access unavailable: Please ensure your device is compatible and that you're on a secure website (https://).
ERROR_ACTION_PERFORMED_BEFORE_MEETING_JOINED3035Oops! Something went wrong. The room was in a connecting state, and during that time, an action encountered an issue. Please try again after joining a meeting.
MAX_SPEAKER_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATION4026You have reached max speaker limit on organization. To increase contact at
MAX_VIEWER_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATION4027You have reached max viewer limit on organization. To increase contact at
MAX_RECORDING_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATION4028You have reached max limit of recording on organization. To increase contact at
MAX_HLS_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATION4029You have reached max limit of hls on organization. To increase contact at
MAX_LIVESTREAM_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATION4030You have reached max limit of livestream on organization. To increase contact at

Bug Fix :

  1. Fixed host with permission not able to enable mic, webcam or screen share of remote participants.

  2. Fixed edge case where multiple participants attempting screen sharing in a meeting could result in misleading of stream showcase.


Release Date : 31st Oct 2023

Change log :

  1. HLS Player Improvements


Release Date : 31st Oct 2023

Change log :

  1. moreOptionsEnabled param added for show/hide More Option Tabpanel.

    Docs : moreOptionsEnabled


Release Date : 5th July 2023

Change log :

  1. Internal improvements


Release Date : 15th May 2023

Change log :

  1. toggleVirtualBackground parameter added in permissions object.

    Docs : toggleVirtualBackground

  2. Microphone dropdown now includes a speaker list.


Release Date : 27th February 2023

Change log :

  1. multistream parameter added in videoConfig object.

    Docs : Audio/Video Config


Release Date : 20th February 2023

Change log :

  1. Mirror your camera view from Change Webcam menu in topbar.

  2. Change incoming video resolution to SD or HD. You can find this options in Configuration panel.

  3. Support of custom configuartion in custom track of video, audio and screenShare.

    Docs : Audio/Video Config

  4. Get the notification when you switch the networks or become disconnected from the meeting.


Release Date : 17th November 2022

Change log :

  1. If maintainLandscapeVideoAspectRatio is set to true , then it will maintain aspect ratio of webcam streams for all participants inside all meeting layouts.

  2. By passing the networkBarEnabled true, you can see a network icon on the top right corner of the video feed where you can inspect data like latency, jitter, packet loss, bitrate etc.


Release Date : 16th November 2022

Change log :

  1. In VIEWER mode, the participant joining limit has been increased to 100.


Release Date : 3rd October 2022

Change log :

  1. Virtual Background (BETA) and AI Noise Removal (BETA) added.

    Docs : Virtual Background

    Docs : AI Noise Removal


Release Date : 23rd September 2022

Change log :

  1. Activities Tab has been renamed to More Options.
  2. Whiteboard and Add Live Stream has been moved into More Options.
  3. In Participant Tab, Media permission icon list has been redesigned.


Release Date : 12th September 2022

Change log :

  1. Added option to configure themes for Recordings, Livestreaming and HLS

    Docs : Change Recording Theme

    Docs : Change LiveStreaming Theme

    Docs : Change HLS Theme


Release Date : 9th September 2022

Change log :

  1. DARK and LIGHT theme added.

    Docs : Change Theme

  2. Activity icon can be hidden by setting pollEnabled : false .


Release Date : 24th August 2022

Change log :

  1. Waiting screen customization added

    Docs : Waiting screen

  2. Provided permission for participant icon button visibility.

    Docs : Enabled Participant Tab Panel

  3. Provided permission to toggle participant tab panel.

    Docs : Toggle Participant Tab Panel

Bug Fix :

In Chat timestamp issue resolved.


Release Date : 6th August 2022

Change log :

  1. While Screen sharing, participant can share audio of their chrome tab.

    Docs : Screen Share with Audio


Release Date : 6th August 2022

Change log :

  1. Few edge cases have been covered in the poll.


Release Date : 31st July 2022

Change log :

  1. Live Poll (BETA) Release.

  2. Any participant can create a poll by passing canCreatePoll true.

  3. Maintain webcam streams aspect ratio config added maintainVideoAspectRatio true.

  4. Participant network status bar provided in Participant grid view.


Release Date : 28th July 2022

Change log :

  1. In HLS, for visible player controls you can pass playerControlsVisible true. so that participant can view control of player.


Release Date : 15th July 2022

Change log :

  1. HLS can be enabled by any participant with permission hls.enabled.

  2. Participate can toggle other participant's mode by passing toggleParticipantMode true.

  3. HLS can be toggle by any participant with passing toggleHls.

  4. HLS mode added with this parameter mode. It can be VIEWER or CONFERENCE.


Release Date : 8th July 2022

Change log :

  1. Participant can now toggle other participant screenShare if they are having permission participantCanToogleOtherScreenShare.

Bug Fix :

  1. Join screen is now responsive if title or meetingUrl is not provided.


Release Date : 5th July 2022

Change log :

  1. Add google echoCancellation params during creation of audio stream.

  2. Loader Animation added between join screen.

Bug Fix :

  1. Remove googDsp dependency warn.


Release Date : 7th June 2022

Change log : None

Bug Fix :

  1. Fullscreen model issue resolved.

  2. Resolve UDP port blocking and video blackout issue.


Release Date : 14th May 2022

Change log : None

Bug Fix :

  1. Throw error when device or browser does not support audio or video communication.

  2. Resolved error No peers found for the Data consumer while start recording/ livestream/HLS.

v0.3.2 & v0.3.3

Release Date : 4th May 2022

Change log :

  1. Region support added for new meetings.

Bug Fix :

  1. Mozila browser (Mac OS) Video Control button not working.


Release Date : 19th March 2022

Change log :

  1. Change layout dynamically to all participants.

  2. Changing layout will reflect to recorders.

  3. Livestream configurations options added.

  4. Go Live button added, so that participant can start live stream while running meeting.


Release Date : 22nd March 2022

Change log : None

Fix :

  1. Topbar icons container component code refactoring.

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