Whiteboard - React Native
A whiteboard is a digital canvas that allows users to collaborate in real-time by drawing, writing, and sharing ideas visually, making it ideal for brainstorming, presentations, and teamwork.
Before initiating Whiteboard, it is essential to have a VideoSDK Meeting in progress.
The useWhiteboard
hook provides functionality to manage a collaborative whiteboard session in your application.
import { useWhiteboard } from "@videosdk.live/react-native-sdk";
const { startWhiteboard, stopWhiteboard, whiteboardUrl } = useWhiteboard();
The hook returns an object with the following properties:
- Type:
() => void
- Description: Initiates a whiteboard session for all participants.
- Effect: When called, this method generates a
- Type:
() => void
- Description: Terminates the active whiteboard session for all participants.
- Type:
string | null
- Description: URL for the current whiteboard session.
- Value:
when no session is active.- A valid URL string after
has been called.
Embedding the Whiteboard​
Display the whiteboard using an iframe
import { WebView } from "react-native-webview";
whiteboardUrl && (
<WebView source={{ uri: whiteboardUrl }} style={{ flex: 1 }} />
Note: To set up react-native-webview, follow the Getting Started Guide.
Example Component​
import React from "react";
import { View, TouchableOpacity, Text } from "react-native";
import { WebView } from "react-native-webview";
import { useWhiteboard } from "@videosdk.live/react-native-sdk";
// Custom Button component
const Button = ({ onPress, title }) => {
return (
backgroundColor: "#1178F8",
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "center",
padding: 12,
borderRadius: 4,
<Text style={{ color: "white", fontSize: 14 }}>{title}</Text>
function WhiteboardComponent() {
// Destructure functions and URL from useWhiteboard hook
const { startWhiteboard, stopWhiteboard, whiteboardUrl } = useWhiteboard();
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
{!whiteboardUrl ? (
// Display Start Whiteboard button when no session is active
<Button title="Start Whiteboard" onPress={startWhiteboard} />
) : (
// Display Stop Whiteboard button and the WebView when session is active
<Button title="Stop Whiteboard" onPress={stopWhiteboard} />
<WebView source={{ uri: whiteboardUrl }} style={{ flex: 1 }} />
export default WhiteboardComponent;
API Reference​
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