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Version: 0.1.x

Release Notes - React Native

This page will keep you updated on all the releases of React Native SDK.


Release Date : 18th Mar 2024

Change Log :

  • More Precise Media-Related Errors on onError Event:

    This update includes detailed error codes and messages for media-related issues. Listen to these error messages on the onError event to diagnose and resolve issues more effectively.

Docs : Error Event

ERROR_INVALID_CUSTOM_VIDEO_TRACK3029The provided custom video track is invalid; reverting to the default video track. Please ensure that the video track meets the required specifications.
ERROR_INVALID_CUSTOM_AUDIO_TRACK3030The provided custom audio track is invalid; reverting to the default audio track. Please ensure that the audio track meets the required specifications.
ERROR_CUSTOM_VIDEO_TRACK_ENDED3031The provided custom video track is in an ended state. Please verify the video track's status, and try again.
ERROR_CUSTOM_AUDIO_TRACK_ENDED3032The provided custom audio track is in an ended state. Please verify the audio track's status, and try again.
ERROR_ACTION_PERFORMED_BEFORE_MEETING_JOINED3035Oops! Something went wrong. The room was in a connecting state, and during that time, an action encountered an issue. Please try again after joining a meeting.
ERROR_RN_CAMERA_ACCESS_DENIED_OR_DISMISSED3036Oops! It seems like camera access was denied or dismissed. To proceed, kindly grant access through your App settings.
ERROR_RN_CAMERA_NOT_FOUND3037Please ensure your camera is connected and turned on.
ERROR_RN_MIC_ACCESS_DENIED_OR_DISMISSED3038Oops! It seems like mic access was denied or dismissed. To proceed, kindly grant access through your App settings.
ERROR_RN_MIC_NOT_FOUND3039Please ensure your mic is connected and turned on.
ERROR_RN_CAMERA_ACCESS_UNAVAILABLE3040Camera access unavailable: Please ensure your device is compatible.
ERROR_RN_MIC_ACCESS_UNAVAILABLE3041Microphone access unavailable: Please ensure your device is compatible.
ERROR_RN_CAMERA_TRACK_ENDED3042Camera track has ended. Please make sure your camera is turned on or try restarting it.
ERROR_RN_MIC_TRACK_ENDED3043Microphone track has ended or the microphone is disconnected. Please check your microphone connection and try again.


Release Date : 12th Mar 2024

Bug Fix :

  • Resolved the problem causing flickering in the video and screen share streams when initiating screen sharing.


Release Date : 13th Feb 2024

Change Log :

  • Provide Pre-Call Screen's features.

    • Provide getDevices() method in useMediaDevice hook to get list of media input/output devices.

      Docs : getDevices()

    • Provide getCameras() method in useMediaDevice hook to get list of camera input devices.

      Docs : getCameras()

    • Provide getAudioDeviceList() method in useMediaDevice hook to get list of audio devices.

      Docs : getAudioDeviceList()

    • Provide onAudioDeviceChanged() callback in useMediaDevice hook, which gets triggered whenever a audio devices connected to or removed from the mobile-device.

      Docs : onAudioDeviceChanged()

    • Provide requestPermission() method in useMediaDevice hook to request a media permission.

      Docs : requestPermission()

    • Provide checkPermission() method in useMediaDevice hook to check status of a media permissions.

      Docs : checkPermission()

    • Provide checkBlueToothPermission() method in useMediaDevice hook to check if the application has permission to access Bluetooth on the device.

      Docs : checkBlueToothPermission()

    • Provide requestBluetoothPermission() method in useMediaDevice requests permission to access Bluetooth on the device.

      Docs : requestBluetoothPermission()

Bug Fix :

  • Foreground service updated for compatibility with React Native v73+.

To effectively leverage the functionalities of Pre-Call Screen, it is recommended to utilize version ^0.1.0 of the library.


Release Date : 5th Jan 2024

Bug Fix :

  • Fix: when the mode changes participants list is reactive.


Release Date : 11th Dec 2023

Change Log :

  1. MeetingProvider Configuration Enhancement:

    • New Feature: Added defaultCamera property in MeetingProvider config.
    • Usage: Set defaultCamera to front or back to initialize the camera with the front-facing (selfie) or rear-facing (main) mode, respectively.
    • Default Value: front

    Docs : defaultCamera

  2. Local Video Capture Functionality:

    • New Feature: Introduced captureImage() function in the useParticipant hook.
    • Usage: Enables capturing the local participant's video stream.

    Docs : captureImage()

  3. File Upload and Retrive Capability:

    • New Feature: Introduced useFile hook.
    • Functionality: Facilitates uploading and retrieving base64-encoded files from the VideoSDK's temporary file storage system.

    Docs : useFile

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