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Version: 0.1.x

Release Notes - React Native

This page will keep you updated on all the releases of React Native SDK.


Release Date : 21st May 2024

Change Log :

  • The default value of the preferredProtocol property in MeetingProvider has been changed to UDP_OVER_TCP. This means meetings will attempt to use UDP for faster data transfer, but will gracefully fallback to TCP if UDP encounters issues in your network environment.

  • A new option, TCP_ONLY, has been added to the preferredProtocol parameter of MeetingProvider. This option allows you to force meetings to use the TCP protocol only. TCP prioritizes reliable data delivery over speed, making it ideal for networks prone to packet loss.

Bug Fix :

  • Enhanced error handling to gracefully handle situations where the WebSocket is not available.


Release Date : 30th April 2024

Change Log :

  1. Introducing the useTranscription hook, which enables real-time transcription functionality with methods and events:

    • startTranscription: Easily begin real-time transcription with a single method call.

      SDK Reference : startTranscription

    • stopTranscription: Stops ongoing transcription processes seamlessly when necessary.

      SDK Reference : stopTranscription

    • onTranscriptionStateChanged: Receive updates on transcription states, including started, stopped, and failed states.

      SDK Reference : onTranscriptionStateChanged

    • onTranscriptionText: Get real-time updates of transcription text as it is generated, ensuring a responsive transcription experience.

      SDK Reference : onTranscriptionText

  2. Introducing post-meeting transcription and summary capabilities with the recording and HLS methods:

    • startRecording(): Begins recording the meeting and supports post-transcription and summary configuration.

      SDK Reference : startRecording

    • startHls(): Starts HLS streaming with options for post-transcription and summary settings.

      SDK Reference : startHls

Docs: Realtime Transcription

Docs: Post Transcription & Summary

Bug Fix :

  • Fixed a video stream rendering issue from React Native iOS to React Web SDK.

  • Fixed an issue where during the first time, the meeting audio was routed to the speaker even though AirPods were connected on iOS devices.


Release Date : 23rd April 2024

Change Log :

  • WebRTC 118 Compatibility: Now works seamlessly with WebRTC version 118 for better performance.


Release Date : 18th Mar 2024

Change Log :

  • More Precise Media-Related Errors on onError Event:

    This update includes detailed error codes and messages for media-related issues. Listen to these error messages on the onError event to diagnose and resolve issues more effectively.

Docs : Error Event

ERROR_INVALID_CUSTOM_VIDEO_TRACK3029The provided custom video track is invalid; reverting to the default video track. Please ensure that the video track meets the required specifications.
ERROR_INVALID_CUSTOM_AUDIO_TRACK3030The provided custom audio track is invalid; reverting to the default audio track. Please ensure that the audio track meets the required specifications.
ERROR_CUSTOM_VIDEO_TRACK_ENDED3031The provided custom video track is in an ended state. Please verify the video track's status, and try again.
ERROR_CUSTOM_AUDIO_TRACK_ENDED3032The provided custom audio track is in an ended state. Please verify the audio track's status, and try again.
ERROR_ACTION_PERFORMED_BEFORE_MEETING_JOINED3035Oops! Something went wrong. The room was in a connecting state, and during that time, an action encountered an issue. Please try again after joining a meeting.
ERROR_RN_CAMERA_ACCESS_DENIED_OR_DISMISSED3036Oops! It seems like camera access was denied or dismissed. To proceed, kindly grant access through your App settings.
ERROR_RN_CAMERA_NOT_FOUND3037Please ensure your camera is connected and turned on.
ERROR_RN_MIC_ACCESS_DENIED_OR_DISMISSED3038Oops! It seems like mic access was denied or dismissed. To proceed, kindly grant access through your App settings.
ERROR_RN_MIC_NOT_FOUND3039Please ensure your mic is connected and turned on.
ERROR_RN_CAMERA_ACCESS_UNAVAILABLE3040Camera access unavailable: Please ensure your device is compatible.
ERROR_RN_MIC_ACCESS_UNAVAILABLE3041Microphone access unavailable: Please ensure your device is compatible.
ERROR_RN_CAMERA_TRACK_ENDED3042Camera track has ended. Please make sure your camera is turned on or try restarting it.
ERROR_RN_MIC_TRACK_ENDED3043Microphone track has ended or the microphone is disconnected. Please check your microphone connection and try again.


Release Date : 12th Mar 2024

Bug Fix :

  • Resolved the problem causing flickering in the video and screen share streams when initiating screen sharing.


Release Date : 13th Feb 2024

Change Log :

  • Provide Pre-Call Screen's features.

    • Provide getDevices() method in useMediaDevice hook to get list of media input/output devices.

      Docs : getDevices()

    • Provide getCameras() method in useMediaDevice hook to get list of camera input devices.

      Docs : getCameras()

    • Provide getAudioDeviceList() method in useMediaDevice hook to get list of audio devices.

      Docs : getAudioDeviceList()

    • Provide onAudioDeviceChanged() callback in useMediaDevice hook, which gets triggered whenever a audio devices connected to or removed from the mobile-device.

      Docs : onAudioDeviceChanged()

    • Provide requestPermission() method in useMediaDevice hook to request a media permission.

      Docs : requestPermission()

    • Provide checkPermission() method in useMediaDevice hook to check status of a media permissions.

      Docs : checkPermission()

    • Provide checkBlueToothPermission() method in useMediaDevice hook to check if the application has permission to access Bluetooth on the device.

      Docs : checkBlueToothPermission()

    • Provide requestBluetoothPermission() method in useMediaDevice requests permission to access Bluetooth on the device.

      Docs : requestBluetoothPermission()

Bug Fix :

  • Foreground service updated for compatibility with React Native v73+.

To effectively leverage the functionalities of Pre-Call Screen, it is recommended to utilize version ^0.1.0 of the library.


Release Date : 5th Jan 2024

Bug Fix :

  • Fix: when the mode changes participants list is reactive.


Release Date : 11th Dec 2023

Change Log :

  1. MeetingProvider Configuration Enhancement:

    • New Feature: Added defaultCamera property in MeetingProvider config.
    • Usage: Set defaultCamera to front or back to initialize the camera with the front-facing (selfie) or rear-facing (main) mode, respectively.
    • Default Value: front

    Docs : defaultCamera

  2. Local Video Capture Functionality:

    • New Feature: Introduced captureImage() function in the useParticipant hook.
    • Usage: Enables capturing the local participant's video stream.

    Docs : captureImage()

  3. File Upload and Retrive Capability:

    • New Feature: Introduced useFile hook.
    • Functionality: Facilitates uploading and retrieving base64-encoded files from the VideoSDK's temporary file storage system.

    Docs : useFile

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