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Version: 0.1.x

Optimize Audio Track - React Native

To optimize the listening experience, it's essential to fine-tune the audio tracks used during calls.

For an enhanced fine-tuning experience, we've introduced the capability to provide a custom audio track for a participant's media before and during the meeting.

Custom Audio Track​

This feature allows you to incorporate custom layers like background noise removal, echo cancellation, etc. and send these modifications to other participants.

How to Create a Custom Audio Track ?​

  • You can create a Audio Track using createMicrophoneAudioTrack() method of

  • This method enables the creation of a audio track with various encoding parameters and noise cancellation configuration, ultimately returning a MediaStream.


import { createMicrophoneAudioTrack } from "";

let customTrack = await createMicrophoneAudioTrack({
// This will accept the voice profile you want to capture.
encoderConfig: "speech_standard", // `high_quality` | `music_standard`, Default : `speech_standard`

noiseConfig: {
// It is used to improve the quality of audio by removing background noise
// that can interfere with the clarity of speech.
noiseSuppression: true,

// It is used to remove unwanted echoes from voice.
echoCancellation: true,

// It is used to maintain a consistent level of loudness or amplitude in a voice.
autoGainControl: true,

Here are different configurations for customizing audio tracks based on specific use cases:

  • speech_standard : This config is optimised for normal voice communication.

  • high_quality : This config is used for obtaining RAW audio, allowing you to apply your noiseConfig.

  • music_standard : This config is optimised for communication scenarios, where the sharing of musical elements, such as songs or instrumental sounds, is crucial.

How to Setup Custom Audio Track ?​

The custom track can be configured both before and after the meeting is initialized. Following are the methods that help in doing so:

  1. Setting up a Custom Track during the initialization of a meeting
  2. Setting up a Custom Track with methods
1. Setting up a Custom Track during the initialization of a meeting​

If you are enabling the mic (micEnabled: true) in the config of MeetingProvider and wish to use custom tracks from the start of the meeting, you can pass a custom track in the config as demonstrated below.


Custom Track will not apply on micEnabled: false configuration.

import {
} from "";

function App() {
const getTrack = async () => {
const track = await createMicrophoneAudioTrack({
encoderConfig: "speech_standard",
noiseConfig: {
noiseSuppression: true,
echoCancellation: true,
autoGainControl: true,

let [customTrack, setCustomTrack] = useState();

useEffect(() => {
}, []);

return (
customTrack && (
micEnabled: true, //If true, it will use the passed custom track to turn mic on
webcamEnabled: true,
//Pass the custom audio track here
customMicrophoneAudioTrack: customTrack,
<MeetingView />

2. Setting up a Custom Track with methods​

To switch tracks during the meeting, you need to pass the MediaStream in the unmuteMic() or toggleMic() method of the useMeeting hook.


Make sure to call the muteMic() method before you create a new track as it may lead to unexpected behavior.

import {
} from "";

const MeetingControls = () => {
const { localMicOn, unmuteMic, muteMic, toggleMic } = useMeeting();

const handleToggleMic = async () => {
if (localMicOn) {
} else {
let customTrack = await createMicrophoneAudioTrack({
encoderConfig: "speech_standard",
noiseConfig: {
noiseSuppression: true,
echoCancellation: true,
autoGainControl: true,


const handleUnmuteMic = async () => {
if (localMicOn) {
} else {
let customTrack = await createMicrophoneAudioTrack({
encoderConfig: "speech_standard",
noiseConfig: {
noiseSuppression: true,
echoCancellation: true,
autoGainControl: true,


return (
onPress={() => {
<Text>Toggle Mic</Text>

onPress={() => {
<Text>Unmute Mic</Text>

API Reference​

The API references for all the methods and events utilised in this guide are provided below.

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