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Version: 0.1.x

Video Processor - React Native

VideoSDK enables you to add custom effects to your video stream before it’s transmitted during video calls. This allows you to creatively enhance your video or achieve specific functionalities.

Understanding Video Processing

Video processing refers to manipulating raw video data (frames) captured by your camera. You can create native processors for both Android and iOS to enhance video streams during meetings.

How it Works:

  1. Implement the Interface:

    • Android : Create a class that implements VideoFrameProcessorFactoryInterface. Define the build() function, which returns a VideoFrameProcessor for processing each video frame.

    • iOS : Create a class that implements the VideoFrameProcessorDelegate protocol. In this class, implement the capturer(_:didCapture:) method to handle video frame processing.

  2. Process the Frame:

    • Android : VideoFrameProcessor is an interface that provides you the raw video frame data. Apply your desired effects or manipulations to this data and return the proceed frame.
    • iOS :capturer(_:didCapture:) method provides you the raw video frame data. Apply your desired effects or manipulations to this data and return the proceed frame.
  3. Register Your Processor: Create instances of the processor you plan to use during the meeting and register them with the addProcessor() method from the ProcessorProvider class.

  4. Apply the Processor: Select the desired processor and apply it during the meeting using the applyVideoProcessor() method from the VideoProcessor class to utilize its features.

  5. Remove the Processor: Stop applying the selected video processor during the meeting, using the removeVideoProcessor() method from the VideoProcessor class.

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