Share screen - React Native iOS
Create Broadcast Upload Extension in iOS
Step 1 : Open Target
Open your project with xcode, select File > New > Target in menu bar.
Step 2 : Select Target
Choose Broadcast Upload Extension, and click next.
Step 3 : Configure Broadcast Upload Extension
Enter extensions name in Product Name field, choose team from dropdown, Uncheck include UI extension field and click finish.
Step 4 : Activate Extension scheme
You will be prompted Activate "Your-Extension-name" scheme? pop-up, click activate.
Now, broadcast folder will appear in xcode left side bar.
Step 5 : Add External file in Created Extension
Open videosdk-rtc-react-native-sdk-example, Copy SampleUploader.swift
, SocketConnection.swift
, DarwinNotificationCenter.swift
, and Atomic.swift
files to your extension's folder and make sure they're added to the target.
Step 6 : Update SampleHandler.swift
Open SampleHandler.swift and Copy SampleHandler.swift
file content and paste it to your extensions SampleHandler.swift
Step 7 : Add Capability in App
In Xcode, go to YourappName > Signing & Capabilities. and click on +Capability to configure app group.
Select App Groups from list
After that, you have to select or add generated app group id which you have created before.
Step 8 : Add Capability in Extension
Go to Your-Extension-Name > Signing & Capabilities and configure App Group functionality which we had perform in previous steps. (Group id should be same for both targets)
Step 9 : Add App Group Id in Extension File
Go to extensions SampleHandler.swift
file and paste your group Id in appGroupIdentifier
Step 10 : Update App level info.plist file
- Add a new key RTCScreenSharingExtension in Info.plist with the extension's Bundle Identifier as the value.
- Add a new key RTCAppGroupIdentifier in Info.plist with the extension's App groups Id as the value.
Note : For extension's Bundle Identifier, go to TARGETS > Your-Extension-Name > Signing & Capabilities .
You can also check out extension example code on github
Create iOS Native Module for RPSystemBroadcastPickerView
Step 1 : Add Files in iOS Project
Go to Xcode > Your App, create new file name VideosdkRPK.swift
After click on Create button, it will prompt you to create bridging header.
After creating bridging header file, create Objective-c file name VideosdkRPK
file, copy the content from VideosdkRPK.swift. -
file, just add#import "React/RCTEventEmitter.h"
line. -
file, copy the content from VideosdkRPK.m.
Step 2 : Integrate Native Module on React native side
Create file with name
and copy the code from VideosdkRPK.js. -
Add below lines for handling enable and disable screen share event.
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import VideosdkRPK from "../VideosdkRPK";
import { TouchableOpacity, Text } from "react-native";
const { enableScreenShare, disableScreenShare } = useMeeting({});
useEffect(() => {
VideosdkRPK.addListener("onScreenShare", (event) => {
if (event === "START_BROADCAST") {
} else if (event === "STOP_BROADCAST") {
return () => {
}, []);
return (
onPress={() => {
// Calling startBroadcast from iOS Native Module
<Text> Start Screen Share </Text>
onPress={() => {
<Text> Stop Screen Share </Text>
method results below image
After clicking Start Broadcast button, we wiil be able to get the screen stream in session.
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