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Image Capturer - React Native

This guide will help us to capture image of participant from video stream.

This can be very helpful in Video KYC use cases where you can capture the image of user holding their identity.


  • By using captureImage() function of useParticipant hook, you can capture image of a local participant from their video stream.
  • You can specify the desired height and width in the captureImage() function, but these are optional. If not provided, the VideoSDK will automatically use the dimensions of the local participant's webcamStream.
  • The captureImage() function returns the image in the form of a base64 string.
import { useMeeting, useParticipant } from "";

const { localParticipant } = useMeeting();

const { webcamStream, webcamOn, captureImage } = useParticipant(

async function imageCapture() {
if (webcamOn && webcamStream) {
const base64 = await captureImage({ height: 400, width: 400 }); // captureImage will return base64 string
console.log("base64", base64);
} else {
console.error("Camera must be on to capture an image");

You can only capture an image of local participant. If you called captureImage() function on remote participant, you will receive an error. If you want to capture an image of a remote participant, check the documentation below.

How to capture image of remote participant ?

Step 1 : Initiate Image Capture Request

  • In this step, we'll send a request to the Participant B whom we want to capture image using pubsub.
  • In order to do that, we will create pubsub topic called IMAGE_CAPTURE in ParticipantView Component.​
  • Here, we are using sendOnly property of publish() method. Therefore, the request will be send to that participant only.
import {usePubSub} from '';
import {
} from 'react-native';

function ParticipantView({ participantId }) {
// create pubsub topic to send Request
const { publish } = usePubSub('IMAGE_CAPTURE');

// send Request to participant
function sendRequest() {
// Pass the participantId of the participant to whom you want to capture an image
// Here, it will be Participant B id, because we want to capture the the image of Participant B
publish("Sending request to capture image", { persist: false, sendOnly: [participantId] });

return <>
// other components
<TouchableOpacity style={{ width: 80, height : 45, backgroundColor: 'red', position: 'absolute', top: 10 }} onPress={() => {
<Text style={{ fontSize: 15, color: 'white', left:10 }}>
Capture Image

Step 2 : Capture and Upload File

  • To capture image from remote participant [Participant B], we've created the CaptureImageListener component. When a participant receives an image capture request, this component uses the captureImage function of useParticipant hook to capture the image.
import {
} from '';

const CaptureImageListner = ({ localParticipantId }) => {

const { captureImage } = useParticipant(localParticipantId);

// subscribe to receive request
usePubSub('IMAGE_CAPTURE', {
onMessageReceived: (message) => {

const _handleOnImageCaptureMessageReceived = (message) => {
try {
if (message.senderId !== localParticipantId) {
// capture and store image when message received
captureAndStoreImage({ senderId: message.senderId });
} catch (err) {
console.log("error on image capture", err);

async function captureAndStoreImage({ senderId }) {
// capture image
const base64Data = await captureImage({height:400,width:400});

return <></>;

export default CaptureImageListner;
  • The captured image is then stored in the VideoSDK's temporary file storage system using the uploadBase64File() function of useFile hook. This operation returns a unique fileUrl of the stored image.
const CaptureImageListner = ({ localParticipantId }) => {
const { uploadBase64File } = useFile();

async function captureAndStoreImage({ senderId }) {
// capture image
const base64Data = await captureImage({ height: 400, width: 400 });
const token = "<VIDEOSDK_TOKEN>";
const fileName = "myCapture.jpeg"; // specify a name for image file with extension
// upload image to videosdk storage system
const fileUrl = await uploadBase64File({ base64Data, token, fileName });
console.log("fileUrl", fileUrl);

  • Next, the fileUrl is sent back to the participant who initiated the request using the IMAGE_TRANSFER topic.
const CaptureImageListner = ({ localParticipantId }) => {

// publish image Transfer
const { publish: imageTransferPublish } = usePubSub("IMAGE_TRANSFER");

async function captureAndStoreImage({ senderId }) {
const fileUrl = await uploadBase64File({ base64Data, token, fileName });
imageTransferPublish(fileUrl, { persist: false, sendOnly: [senderId] });

  • We've rendered the CaptureImageListener component within the MeetingView component.
import CaptureImageListner from './captureImageListner';
import {useMeeting} from '';

function MeetingView() {


// Get `localParticipant` from useMeeting Hook
const {localParticipant } = useMeeting({});

return (
// other components
<CaptureImageListner localParticipantId={localParticipant?.id} />

Step 3 : Fetch and Display Image

  • To display a captured image, we introduce the ShowImage component. Here's how it works:

  • Within ShowImage, we subscribe to the IMAGE_TRANSFER topic, receiving the fileUrl associated with the captured image. Once obtained, we leverage the fetchBase64File() function from the useFile hook to retrieve the file in base64 format from VideoSDK's temporary storage.

import {
} from '';

function ShowImage() {
const mMeeting = useMeeting();
const { fetchBase64File } = useFile();

const topicTransfer = "IMAGE_TRANSFER";

const [bitMapImg, setbitMapImg] = useState(null);

usePubSub(topicTransfer, {
onMessageReceived: (message) => {
if (message.senderId !== {
fetchFile({ url: message.message }); // pass fileUrl to fetch the file

async function fetchFile({ url }) {
const token = "<VIDEOSDK_TOKEN>";
const base64 = await fetchBase64File({ url, token });
console.log("base64",base64); // here is your image in a form of base64
  • With the base64 data in hand, we display the image in a modal. This seamless image presentation is integrated into the MeetingView component.
import { Image, Modal, Pressable } from "react-native";

function ShowImage() {

return (
{bitMapImg ? (
<Modal animationType={"slide"} transparent={false}>
flex: 1,
flexDirection: "column",
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "center",
style={{ height: 400, width: 300, objectFit: "contain" }}
source={{ uri: `data:image/jpeg;base64,${bitMapImg}` }}
<Pressable onPress={() => setbitMapImg(null)}>
<Text style={{ color: "black" }}>Close Dialog</Text>
) : null}
function MeetingView() {
// ...
return (
// other componets
<CaptureImageListner localParticipantId={localParticipant?.id} />
<ShowImage />

The file stored in the VideoSDK's temporary file storage system will be automatically deleted once the current room/meeting comes to an end.

API Reference

The API references for all the methods utilized in this guide are provided below.

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