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Video SDK useWhiteboard Hook - React

useWhiteboard Hook

The useWhiteboard hook provides functionality to manage a collaborative whiteboard session in your application.

useWhiteboard example

import React from "react";
import { useWhiteboard } from "";

function WhiteboardComponent() {
const { startWhiteboard, stopWhiteboard, whiteboardUrl } = useWhiteboard();

return (
<button onClick={() => startWhiteboard()}>Start Whiteboard</button>
<button onClick={() => stopWhiteboard()}>Stop Whiteboard</button>
{whiteboardUrl && (
<iframe src={whiteboardUrl} width="800" height="600"></iframe>

export default WhiteboardComponent;


The hook returns the following properties:


  • Type: () => void
  • Description: Initiates a whiteboard session for all participants.
  • Effect: When called, this method generates a whiteboardUrl.


  • Type: () => void
  • Description: Terminates the active whiteboard session for all participants.


  • Type: string | null
  • Description: URL for the current whiteboard session.
  • Value:
    • null when no session is active.
    • A valid URL string after startWhiteboard() has been called.

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