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Version: 0.1.x

Switch Remote Participant Quality - React

This guide outlines the process of changing the camera resolution of a remote participant in a meeting. The method involves utilizing a pubsub mechanism to communicate resolution changes among participants and creating custom video tracks with the desired resolution.

For a clearer understanding, consider this scenario: If participant A wishes to change the camera resolution of participant B, participant A publishes a topic called CHANGE_RESOLUTION with either SD or HD as the value. Participant B subscribes to the CHANGE_RESOLUTION topic and receives the value shared by participant A. Following this, a custom video track is generated with the new resolution value, and this track is then passed into the changeWebcam() function.

Here's a visual representation to enhance the understanding:


Step 1 : Create a Pubsub Topic​

  • First create a pubsub topic called CHANGE_RESOLUTION in ParticipantView Component for publishing selected camera resolution value.
import { usePubSub } from "";

function ParticipantView({ participantId }) {
const { publish } = usePubSub(`CHANGE_RESOLUTION_${participantId}`, {
onMessageReceived: async ({ message }) => {
console.log("message", message);
onOldMessagesReceived: async (messages) => {
const newResolution ={ message }) => {
return { ...message };
newResolution.forEach((res) => {
if (res.resolution) {
console.log("resolution", res.resolution);

Step 2 : Create Switch Button in ParticipantView Component​

  • Next, create a switch button with SD and HD options on top of the participant grid item.

  • Upon clicking the button, publish a pubsub topic with either the sd or hd value to communicate the desired resolution change.

import { useParticipant } from "";

function ParticipantView({ participantId }) {
const {
} = useParticipant(participantId);

return (
{ webcamOn && (
<div style={{ position: "absolute", top: "1", right: "10" }}>
{[{ value: "sd", label: "SD", res: "h480p_w640p" },
{ value: "hd", label: "HD", res: "h720p_w1280p" },
].map(({ value, label, res }) =>
label === "SD" || label === "HD" ? (
onClick={async (e) => {
resolution: value,
resolutionValue: res,
) : null

Step 3 : Create a ResolutionListener Component​

Now, create a ResolutionListener component to subscribe to the CHANGE_RESOLUTION topic.

  • Within this component, you will receive either SD or HD as the value. Based on this value, create a custom video track.

  • After creating the custom video track with the received value, pass that track into the changeWebcam method to initiate the camera resolution change.

import {
} from "";
import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { useMeetingAppContext } from "../context/MeetingAppContext";
import useMediaStream from "../hooks/useMediaStream";

const ResolutionListner = () => {
const mMeeting = useMeeting();

const { publish } = usePubSub(
onMessageReceived: async ({ message }) => {
let customTrack;
await mMeeting?.disableWebcam();
try {
customTrack = await createCameraVideoTrack({
encoderConfig: message.resolutionValue,
optimizationMode: "motion",
multiStream: false,
} catch (error) {
console.log("error in creating custom video track", error);


useEffect(() => {
resolution: "sd",
resolutionValue: "h480p_w640p",
persist: true,
}, []);

return <></>;

export default ResolutionListener;

Step 4 : Place the ResolutionListener component in MeetingContainer​

  • Finally, render the ResolutionListener component in the MeetingContainer to facilitate the reception and transmission of camera resolution changes among participants.
function MeetingContainer() {
return (
<ResolutionListener />
// ..

API Reference​

The API references for all the methods utilized in this guide are provided below.

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