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Version: 0.1.x

Mic Controls - React

Whenever any participant wants to start / stop broadcasting their audio to other participant in meeting, they can simply do it with VideoSDK Meeting.

This guide will provide an overview of how to use enable and disable Mic in a meeting.

  1. Enable Mic - By using unmuteMic() function, a participant can publish audio to other participants.

  2. Disable Mic - By using muteMic() function, a participant can stop publishing audio to other participants.

  3. Change Mic - By using changeMic() function, a participant can change mic.

  4. Toggle Mic - By using toggleMic() function, a participant start or stop publishing the audio during the meeting.

Enable, Disable, Change Mic​

import { useMeeting } from "";

const MeetingView = () => {
const { unmuteMic, muteMic, getMics, changeMic, toggleMic } = useMeeting();

const onPress = async () => {
// Enable Mic in Meeting

// Disable Mic in Meeting

// Toggle Mic in Meeting

// Change Mic in Meeting
const mics = await getMics(); // returns all mics

const { deviceId, label } = mics[0];


return <>...</>;

To get a better control over the audio Quality, we recommend you to use the custom audio tracks. You can check out how to use custom audio tracks here.


Event associated with unmuteMic():

Event associated with muteMic():

import { useParticipant } from "";

function onStreamEnabled(stream) {
if(stream.kind === 'audio'){
console.log("Audio Stream On: onStreamEnabled", stream);

function onStreamDisabled(stream) {
if(stream.kind === 'audio'){
console.log("Audio Stream Off: onStreamDisabled", stream);

const {
} = useParticipant(participantId,{

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