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Version: 0.1.x

PubSub - React

PubSub feature allows the participant to send and receive messages of the topics which he has subscribed.



This method is use for publishing message of specific topic.


function publish(message: String, { persist : Boolean });
Parameter NameTypeDescription
messageStringThis is the actual message, which will be published to participants, who had subscribed to a particular topic.
optionsObjectThis is an object, which provides an option, such as persist, which persists message history for upcoming participants.


// importing usePubSub hook from react-sdk
import { usePubSub } from "";

// destructure publish method from usePubSub hook
const { publish } = usePubSub("CHAT");

// publish message
const message = "Hello Everyone!";
publish(message, { persist: true });

Sample Code​

import { usePubSub } from "";

const MyComponent = () => {
// CHAT Topic
const { publish, messages } = usePubSub("CHAT");

// publish message
const sendMessage = () => {
const message = "Hello People!";
publish(message, { persist: true });

// get latest messages
console.log("Messages : ", messages);
export default MyComponent;

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