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Version: 0.1.x

Release Notes - React

This page will provide you with updates on all releases of the React JS SDK.


Release Date : 30th Sept 2024

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the media collector stats would error during network reconnection.


Release Date : 17th Sept 2024

Change Log :

useWhiteboard Hook:

  • Introduced useWhiteboard hook for managing collaborative whiteboard sessions
  • Enables starting and stopping whiteboard for all participants
  • Provides URL for embedding whiteboard in applications
  • Simple integration via React components or iframes

Docs: Whiteboard


Release Date : 8th Sept 2024

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed video rotation issue in Mozilla browser.

  • Fixed Video status issue when removing an external camera.


Release Date : 30th July 2024

Bug fix :

  • Fixed mic stream issue which was occurring initially at the time of joining the meeting.


Release Date : 26th July 2024

Change Log :

  • Added getShareAudioStats method for retrieving audio sharing statistics on Chromium-based browsers (e.g., Chrome, Brave).

Bug fix :

  • Upgraded the getAudioStats, getVideoStats, and getShareStats methods of useParticipant hook to deliver detailed insights for audio, video, and screen sharing. These statistics are now accessible on all browsers.


Release Date : 22nd June 2024

Change Log :

  • The SDK now supports a maximum frame rate of 30 FPS for screen sharing, providing a smoother user experience.

  • The requestPermission method of useMediaDevice hook has been enhanced to allow requesting audio and video permissions in a single pop-up window, streamlining the permission granting process for users.


Release Date : 24th May 2024

Bug fix :

  • Fix stream not getting disposed on Firefox.

  • Microphone track ended handled.


Release Date : 21st May 2024

Change Log :

  • The default value of the preferredProtocol property in MeetingProvider has been changed to UDP_OVER_TCP. This means meetings will attempt to use UDP for faster data transfer, but will gracefully fallback to TCP if UDP encounters issues in your network environment.

  • A new option, TCP_ONLY, has been added to the preferredProtocol parameter of MeetingProvider. This option allows you to force meetings to use the TCP protocol only. TCP prioritizes reliable data delivery over speed, making it ideal for networks prone to packet loss.

Bug Fix :

  • Enhanced error handling to gracefully handle situations where the WebSocket is not available.


Release Date : 30th April 2024

Change Log :

  • Added types for parameters in the startTranscription() method for better code clarity and type safety.
  • Enabled the summary feature in the startTranscription() method, allowing users to generate summarized transcripts after the meeting ends.


Release Date : 24th April 2024

Change Log :

  1. Introducing the useTranscription hook, which enables real-time transcription functionality with methods and events:

    • startTranscription: Easily begin real-time transcription with a single method call.

      SDK Reference : startTranscription

    • stopTranscription: Stops ongoing transcription processes seamlessly when necessary.

      SDK Reference : stopTranscription

    • onTranscriptionStateChanged: Receive updates on transcription states, including started, stopped, and failed states.

      SDK Reference : onTranscriptionStateChanged

    • onTranscriptionText: Get real-time updates of transcription text as it is generated, ensuring a responsive transcription experience.

      SDK Reference : onTranscriptionText

  2. Introducing post-meeting transcription and summary capabilities with the recording and HLS methods:

    • startRecording(): Begins recording the meeting and supports post-transcription and summary configuration.

      SDK Reference : startRecording

    • startHls(): Starts HLS streaming with options for post-transcription and summary settings.

      SDK Reference : startHls

Docs: Realtime Transcription

Docs: Post Transcription & Summary


Release Date : 7th April 2024

Change Log :

  • Provide Getter for currently used webcam and mic device

    • Provide selectedCameraDevice property in useMediaDevice hook, to get currently used camera device in the meeting.

      Docs : selectedCameraDevice

    • Provide selectedMicrophoneDevice property in useMediaDevice hook, to get currently used microphone device in the meeting.

      Docs : selectedMicrophoneDevice


Release Date : 18th Mar 2024

Change Log :

  • More Precise Media-Related Errors on onError Event:

    This update includes detailed error codes and messages for media-related issues. Listen to these error messages on the onError event to diagnose and resolve issues more effectively.

Docs : Error Event

ERROR_CAMERA_ACCESS_DENIED_OR_DISMISSED3017Oops! It seems like camera access was denied or dismissed. To proceed, kindly grant access through your browser settings.
ERROR_MICROPHONE_ACCESS_DENIED_OR_DISMISSED3018Oops! It seems like microphone access was denied or dismissed. To proceed, kindly grant access through your browser settings.
ERROR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED_BY_OS3019Camera permission denied by OS system settings. Please check the system settings and grant permission for this browser.
ERROR_MICROPHONE_PERMISSION_DENIED_BY_OS3020Microphone permission denied by OS system settings. Please check the system settings and grant permission for this browser.
ERROR_CAMERA_NOT_FOUND3021Please ensure your camera is connected and turned on, and that the camera driver is installed and up-to-date.
ERROR_MICROPHONE_NOT_FOUND3022Please ensure your microphone is connected and turned on.
ERROR_CAMERA_IN_USE3023The camera is being used by another application. Please close any programs utilizing the camera, such as video conferencing tools, screen recording software, or other browsers. Restart your browser and attempt again.
ERROR_MICROPHONE_IN_USE3024The microphone is being used by another application. Please close any programs utilizing the microphone, such as video conferencing tools, screen recording software, or other browsers. Restart your browser and attempt again.
ERROR_CAMERA_PERMISSION_OR_AUTOPLAY_ISSUE3025It seems like there's an issue with camera permission or video autoplay, you can check out this link for details:
ERROR_VIDEO_SOURCE_INITIATION_FAILED3026Unable to initiate video source. Please verify browser settings for video permissions.
ERROR_WEBCAM_TRACK_ENDED3027Webcam track has ended or the webcam is disconnected. Please ensure your webcam is properly connected and try restarting it.
ERROR_MICROPHONE_TRACK_ENDED3028Microphone track has ended or the microphone is disconnected. Please check your microphone connection and try again.
ERROR_INVALID_CUSTOM_VIDEO_TRACK3029The provided custom video track is invalid; reverting to the default video track. Please ensure that the video track meets the required specifications.
ERROR_INVALID_CUSTOM_AUDIO_TRACK3030The provided custom audio track is invalid; reverting to the default audio track. Please ensure that the audio track meets the required specifications.
ERROR_CUSTOM_VIDEO_TRACK_ENDED3031The provided custom video track is in an ended state. Please verify the video track's status, and try again.
ERROR_CUSTOM_AUDIO_TRACK_ENDED3032The provided custom audio track is in an ended state. Please verify the audio track's status, and try again.
ERROR_CAMERA_ACCESS_UNAVAILABLE3033Camera access unavailable: Please ensure your device is compatible and that you're on a secure website (https://).
ERROR_MICROPHONE_ACCESS_UNAVAILABLE3034Microphone access unavailable: Please ensure your device is compatible and that you're on a secure website (https://).
ERROR_ACTION_PERFORMED_BEFORE_MEETING_JOINED3035Oops! Something went wrong. The room was in a connecting state, and during that time, an action encountered an issue. Please try again after joining a meeting.
MAX_SPEAKER_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATION4026You have reached max speaker limit on organization. To increase contact at
MAX_VIEWER_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATION4027You have reached max viewer limit on organization. To increase contact at
MAX_RECORDING_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATION4028You have reached max limit of recording on organization. To increase contact at
MAX_HLS_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATION4029You have reached max limit of hls on organization. To increase contact at
MAX_LIVESTREAM_LIMIT_REACHED_ON_ORGANIZATION4030You have reached max limit of livestream on organization. To increase contact at


Release Date : 25th Jan 2024

Change Log :

  • Provide Pre-Call Screen's features.

    • Provide getDevices() method in useMediaDevice hook to get list of media input/output devices.

      Docs : getDevices()

    • Provide getCameras() method in useMediaDevice hook to get list of camera input devices.

      Docs : getCameras()

    • Provide getMicrophones() method in useMediaDevice hook to get list of audio input devices.

      Docs : getMicrophones()

    • Provide getPlaybackDevices() method in useMediaDevice hook to get list of audio output devices.

      Docs : getPlaybackDevices()

    • Provide onDeviceChanged() event in useMediaDevice hook, which gets triggered whenever a media device is connected to or removed from the system.

      Docs : onDeviceChanged()

    • Provide requestPermission() method in useMediaDevice hook to request a media permission.

      Docs : requestPermission()

    • Provide checkPermission() method in useMediaDevice hook to check status of a media permissions.

      Docs : checkPermission()

    • Provide getNetworkStats() method to get downloadSpeed and uploadSpeed of network.

    Docs : getNetworkStats()


Release Date : 5th Jan 2024

Bug fix :

  • When the participant mode changes participants list is reactive


Release Date : 30th Dec 2023

Bug fix :

  • Reduce SDK size.
  • Enhance the captureImage method by making the height and width parameters optional.


Release Date : 1st Dec 2023

Change Log :

  • Added captureImage method in the useParticipant hook to capture the image of the user from MediaStream.

    Docs : captureImage()

  • Added methods uploadBase64File and fetchBase64File in useFile hook to upload and download a temporary file.

    Docs : uploadBase64File

    Docs : fetchbase64file


Release Date : 27th Oct 2023

Change Log :

  • Added metaData property associated with Participant to pass additional information.
  • Added payload feature in PubSub to pass additional payload data.
  • Added sendOnly feature to PubSub to Publish data for only Participants mentioned.


Release Date : 7th Oct 2023

Bug Fix :

  • Fixed trackEnded issue while removing wired headset.


Release Date : 4th May 2023

Bug Fix :

  • Updated types definations


Release Date : 4th May 2023

Bug Fix :

  • Fixed changeMic not switching mic issue.

  • Fixed deviceId ignored if device had a virtual camera.


Release Date : 29th April 2023

Change log :

  • Added Typescript Support.

Bug Fix :

  • The Remote participant audio levels remain consistent even when the local participant mutes or unmutes their microphone.

  • RTC stats are now available on the latest browser versions.


Release Date : 31st March 2023

Change log :

  • HLS_PLAYABLE state added in onHlsStateChanged callback.
  • livestreamState, recordingState, hlsState getters added in useMeeting.
  • hlsUrls getter added in useMeeting.


Release Date : 3rd March 2023

Change log :

  • Updated Types.

  • Updated Internal Dependencies.


Release Date : 10th February 2023

Change log :

  • Improve bitrate logic in the multiStream feature so that user's CPU and the network are optimise.


Release Date : 6th February 2023

Change log :

  • Replace custom track in changeWebcam method.


Release Date : 3rd February 2023

Change log : none

Bug Fix :

  • Network switch & reconnection issue fixes (covered all possible edge cases that were causing interruptions during the meeting)


Release Date : 28th December 2022

Change log : none

Bug Fix :


Release Date : 20th December 2022

Change log :

  1. Participant can toggle between the CONFERENCE and VIEWER mode by using changeMode() method.

    Docs : Change Mode


Release Date : 14th December 2022

Change log : None

Bug Fix :

  1. Fix failed: DOMException: Answer tried to enable an m-section that was disabled in the offer error on Enable Webcam in Firefox browser.


Release Date : 25th November 2022

Change log :

  1. To obtain screen sharing statistics, the useParticipant hook now has a getShareStats function.


Release Date : 11th November 2022

Change log :

  1. Provide multistream parameter for sending multiple resolution layers or single resolution layer.

    Docs : Multi Stream

  2. Provide onVideoQualityChange in useParticipant hook to listen video quality changes.

    SDK Reference : onVideoQualityChange

  3. Provide meeting CONFERENCE and VIEWER mode on MeetingProvider config.

    SDK Reference : Meeting Mode


Release Date : 4th November 2022

Change log :

  • Provide Types support.


Release Date : 5th October 2022

Change log :

  • Support of React v18.

Bug Fix :

  • Fix npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree after installing SDK.


Release Date : 23rd September 2022

Change log :

  1. Added Error Event for,

    1. If someone is denying media controls permissions such as Video, Mic and Screen Share
    2. Previous Recording, RTMP or HLS is being processed.

Error Code Table :

ERROR_GET_VIDEO_MEDIA_PERMISSION_DENIED3014Video capture permission denied.
ERROR_GET_AUDIO_MEDIA_PERMISSION_DENIED3015Audio capture permission denied.
ERROR_GET_DISPLAY_MEDIA_PERMISSION_DENIED3016Screen sharing permission denied.
PREV_RECORDING_PROCESSING4018Previous recording session is being processed, please try again after few seconds!
PREV_RTMP_RECORDING_PROCESSING4019Previous RTMP recording session is being processed, please try again after few seconds!
PREV_HLS_STREAMING_PROCESSING4020Previous HLS streaming session is being processed, please try again after few seconds!
  1. Event added for HLS state (starting, started, stopping and stopped)

    SDK Reference : onHlsStateChanged

This version will store timeline of the session, session stats and participant stats. This will be available in your VideoSDK Session Dashboard


Release Date : 21st August 2022

Change log : None

Bug Fix :

  1. Fix reading on undefined error.

  2. Participant initial audio & video improper state issue fix.


Release Date : 11th August 2022

Change log : None

Bug Fix :

  1. Fixed issues with Custom audio and video tracks.

  2. Updated types indicating optional value or not.


Release Date : 05th August 2022

Change Log:

  1. Added support for screenshare with Audio.

  2. Custom audio, video and share track now accepts MediaStream instead of MediaStreamTrack.

  3. Added types for better IDE support.


Release Date : 29th July 2022

Change log:

  1. Added getVideoStats and getAudioStats methods for getting particular participant streams statistics.

    SDK Reference : getVideoStats

    SDK Reference : getAudioStats

  2. Added onMeetingStateChanged event for getting state of meeting changes.

    SDK Reference : onMeetingStateChanged


Release Date : 23rd July 2022

Change log :

  1. Set Audio packet priority high.

  2. Internal dependency update.


Release Date : 19th July 2022

Change log :

  1. Recording and Livestream status event added.

    Docs : Recording Events


Release Date : 1st July 2022

Change log :

  1. Add the ViewPort method for better video quality based on view container.

    Docs : How to Set Viewport?

    Video : Improve Video Calling Quality with Video SDK

  2. Provide Echo Cancellation on the audio stream.

Bug Fix :

  1. Remove googDsp dependency warn.

  2. Resolve changeWebcam and changeMic customTrack issue.

v0.1.35 & v0.1.36

Release Date : 7th June 2022

Change log : None

Bug Fix :

  1. Resolve UDP port blocking and video blackout issue.

v0.1.34 & v0.1.33

Release Date : 17th May 2022

Change log :

  1. Update Internal dependency.


Release Date : 14th May 2022

Change log : None

Bug Fix :

  1. Custom track issue on MeetingProvider config fix.

  2. Throw error when device or browser does not support audio or video communication.

  3. Resolved error No peers found for the Data consumer while start recording/ livestream/hls.


Release Date : 29th April 2022

Change log :

  1. Applied custom video track on changeWebcam method.

  2. Applied custom audio track on changeMic method.

Bug Fix :

  1. Resolve Mozila browser (Mac OS) localParticipant Video blackout issue.


Release Date : 23rd April 2022

Change log :

  1. Release Custom Video track feature

    Docs : How to use Custom Video track?

  2. Release Custom Audio track feature

    Docs : How to use Custom Audio track?

  3. Release Custom Screen Share track feature

    Docs : How to use Custom Screen Share track?


Release Date : 9th March 2022

Change log :

  1. Release Pubsub message feature for text communication.

    Docs : How to use Pubsub feature?

  2. Customise recording layout for Cloud Recording / HLS and RTMP out.

    SDK Reference : Start Recording

    SDK Reference : Start HLS

    SDK Reference : Start RTMP


Release Date : 15th January 2022

Change log :

  1. Added onError event listener to subscribe to all meeting errors occurring in the SDK.

    Docs : Error Event


Release Date : 10th January 2022

Change log :

  1. Connect Meetings (BETA): This new feature enables you to fetch participant data between two or more meetings and make participants switch meetings.

    Docs : How to use Connect Meetings feature?

  2. Switch Meeting : This feature is used for switching participant of one meeting to another meeting.

    Docs : How to use Switch Meeting feature?

  3. Add custom participantId in MeetingProvider config.

    SDK Reference : Custom ParticipantId

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