Display Audio and Video - React
This guide elaborates on how to render a participant's audio and video on the screen.
Rendering Participant​
The steps involved in rendering the audio and video of a participant are as follows.
1. Get Mic and Webcam Status
To render a participant, it is essential to determine whether their audio or video is on or off. If the webcam is not turned on, start by rendering the participant's frames with their name; otherwise, render the video.
Step 1:
First, retrieve every participant
from the useMeeting
hook and create a simple box with each of their names.
const MeetingView = () => {
//Getting all the participants
const { participants } = useMeeting();
//Looping over the participants and rendering a simple box
return (
<div style={{ display: "grid", gridTemplateColumns: "repeat(3,1fr)" }}>
{[...participants.keys()].map((participantId, index) => (
<ParticipantView key={index} participantId={participantId} />
// This will render a single participant's view
const ParticipantView = ({ participantId }) => {
const { displayName } = useParticipant(participantId);
return (
height: "300px",
background: "#C0C2C9",
Step 2:
To display the status of each participant's microphone and webcam in the grid, you can use the micOn
and webcamOn
properties of the useParticipant
Here's a code snippet of rendering mic and webcam status:
const ParticipantView = ({ participantId }) => {
//Getting the micOn and webcamOn property
const { displayName, micOn, webcamOn } = useParticipant(participantId);
return (
height: "300px",
background: "#C0C2C9",
Webcam:{webcamOn ? "On" : "Off"} Mic: {micOn ? "On" : "Off"}
2. Rendering Video
The status of the webcam
and mic
is now displayed. Now whenever a participant's webcam is turned on
, to display their video, you will require their webcamStream
which can be obtained from the useParticipant
Step 1:
Obtain the webcamStream
and define a <video>
tag which will render the video of the participant. You need to use the useRef
hook to create a reference to this video tag.
import { useRef } from "react";
const ParticipantView = ({ participantId }) => {
//Getting the webcamStream property
const { displayName, micOn, webcamOn, webcamStream } =
const webcamRef = useRef(null);
return (
height: "300px",
background: "#C0C2C9",
<video width={"100%"} height={"100%"} ref={webcamRef} autoPlay />
Step 2:
Now that you have the <video>
element in place, you need to add a useEffect
hook so that, when the webcamStream
is discovered, it will be immediately added to the <video>
const ParticipantView = ({ participantId }) => {
//Getting the webcamStream property
const { displayName, micOn, webcamOn, webcamStream } =
const webcamRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (webcamRef.current) {
if (webcamOn && webcamStream) {
const mediaStream = new MediaStream();
webcamRef.current.srcObject = mediaStream;
.catch((error) =>
console.error("videoElem.current.play() failed", error)
} else {
webcamRef.current.srcObject = null;
}, [webcamStream, webcamOn]);
return (
height: "300px",
background: "#C0C2C9",
2.1 Maintaining the aspect ratio
If you want to maintain the aspect ratio of the video, displaying it vertically without filling the entire view, you can use object-fit:contain
However, if you prefer to always fill the view regardless of the video resolution you can use object-fit:cover
const ParticipantView = ({ participantId }) => {
//... Other video configurations
return (
height: "300px",
background: "#C0C2C9",
objectFit: "contain",
2.2 Mirror Local Video View
If you want to display the mirror view of the local participant, you can apply the transformation style to the participant's view.
const ParticipantView = ({ participantId }) => {
const { isLocal } = useParticipant(participantId);
//... Other video configurations
return (
height: "300px",
background: "#C0C2C9",
objectFit: "contain",
? { transform: "scaleX(-1)", WebkitTransform: "scaleX(-1)" }
: {}
Sample of mirror view video​
3. Rendering Audio
You have succesfully displayed the webcam and mic status along with the participant's video. Now, whenever a participant's mic is turned on
, to play their audio. you will require their micStream
which can be obtained from the useParticipant
Step 1:
Obtain the micStream
and define a <audio>
tag which will render the audio of the participant. You need to use the useRef
hook to create a reference to this audio tag.
import { useRef } from "react";
const ParticipantView = ({ participantId }) => {
//Getting the micStream property
const { displayName, micOn, webcamOn, webcamStream, micStream } =
const audioRef = useRef(null);
return (
height: "300px",
background: "#C0C2C9",
<audio ref={audioRef} autoPlay />
Step 2:
Now that you have the <audio>
element in place, you need to add a useEffect
hook so that, when the micStream
is discovered, it will be immediately added to the <audio>
const ParticipantView = ({ participantId }) => {
//Getting the micStream property
const { displayName, micOn, webcamOn, webcamStream } =
// ... mic stream dispalying here
const micRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (micRef.current) {
if (micOn && micStream) {
const mediaStream = new MediaStream();
micRef.current.srcObject = mediaStream;
.catch((error) =>
console.error("videoElem.current.play() failed", error)
} else {
micRef.current.srcObject = null;
}, [micStream, micOn]);
return (
height: "300px",
background: "#C0C2C9",
While rendering the audio, you should not render the audio of the local participant as it will create echo.
So to avoid that, mute the audio
of the localParticipant
, by setting the muted
property as follows.
const ParticipantView = ({ participantId }) => {
//Getting the isLocal property
const { displayName, micOn, webcamOn, webcamStream, micStream, isLocal } =
const audioRef = useRef(null);
return (
height: "300px",
background: "#C0C2C9",
<audio ref={audioRef} autoPlay muted={isLocal} />
Autoplay Audio and Video​
is a parameter passed to <audio>
and <video>
elements, indicating that their media should play automatically without requiring the user to click on the video or hit the play button.
When developing an audio-video calling app, ensure that the autoplay
flag is set to true
, allowing any loaded media to play even if the play()
method was not explicitly called.
You can learn more about the autoplay flag
in the official documentation.
API Reference​
The API references for all the methods and events utilized in this guide are provided below.
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