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Version: 0.1.x

Precall Setup - Android

Picture this: before diving into the depths of a video call, imagine giving your setup a quick check-up, like a tech-savvy doctor ensuring all systems are a go. That's essentially what a precall experience does- it’s like your extensive debug session before the main code execution—a crucial step in ensuring your app's performance is top-notch.

Why is it necessary?​

Why invest time and effort into crafting a precall experience, you wonder? Well, picture this scenario: your users eagerly join a video call, only to encounter a myriad of technical difficulties—muted microphones, pixelated cameras, and laggy connections. Not exactly the smooth user experience you had in mind, right?

By integrating a robust precall process into your app, developers become the unsung heroes, preemptively addressing potential pitfalls and ensuring that users step into their video calls with confidence.

Step-by-Step Guide: Integrating Precall Feature​

Step 1: Check and Request Permissions​

  • Begin by ensuring that your application has the necessary permissions to access user devices, such as the camera, microphone and Bluetooth.
  • Utilize the checkPermissions() method of the VideoSDK class to verify if permissions are granted.
  • If the permissions are not granted, the method will request the required permissions.
  • PermissionHandler is used to manage and handle permission-related events (such as granting, denying, or blocking permissions).
    • onGranted(): This method is called when all requested permissions are granted.
    • onBlocked(): This method is called when one or more permissions are permanently blocked (i.e., the user has checked "Don't ask again").
    • onDenied(): This method is called when one or more permissions are denied.
    • onJustBlocked(): This method is called when one or more permissions are just blocked (i.e., the user has just checked "Don't ask again" for the first time).
private fun checkPermissions() {
val permissionList: MutableList<Permission> = ArrayList()
val options = Permissions.Options()

private val permissionHandler: PermissionHandler = object : PermissionHandler() {
override fun onGranted() {
Log.d("VideoSDK Permission", "onGranted: All permissions granted")
override fun onBlocked(
context: Context,
blockedList: java.util.ArrayList<Permission>
): Boolean {
for (blockedPermission in blockedList) {
Log.d("VideoSDK Permission", "onBlocked: $blockedPermission")
return super.onBlocked(context, blockedList)

override fun onDenied(
context: Context,
deniedPermissions: java.util.ArrayList<Permission>
) {
for (deniedPermission in deniedPermissions) {
Log.d("VideoSDK Permission", "onDenied: $deniedPermission")
super.onDenied(context, deniedPermissions)

override fun onJustBlocked(
context: Context,
justBlockedList: java.util.ArrayList<Permission>,
deniedPermissions: java.util.ArrayList<Permission>
) {
for (justBlockedPermission in justBlockedList) {
Log.d("VideoSDK Permission", "onJustBlocked: $justBlockedPermission")
super.onJustBlocked(context, justBlockedList, deniedPermissions)

Step 2: Render Device Lists​

  • You can fetch and render lists of available video and audio devices using the getVideoDevices() and getAudioDevices() methods of the VideoSDK class, respectively.
private fun getAudioaDevices() {

val audioDevices: Set<AudioDeviceInfo> = VideoSDK.getAudioDevices()
for (audioDevice in audioDevices) {
Log.d("VideoSDK", "Audio Device's DeviceId " + audioDevice.deviceId)
Log.d("VideoSDK", "Audio Device's Label " + audioDevice.label)
Log.d("VideoSDK", "Audio Device's Kind " + audioDevice.kind)

private fun getVideoDevices() {
val videoDevices: Set<VideoDeviceInfo> = VideoSDK.getVideoDevices()
for (videoDevice in videoDevices) {
Log.d("VideoSDK", "Video Device's DeviceId " + videoDevice.deviceId)
Log.d("VideoSDK", "Video Device's Label " + videoDevice.label)
Log.d("VideoSDK", "Video Device's Kind " + videoDevice.kind)

Step 3: Handle Audio Device Changes​

  • Implement the onAudioDeviceChanged() callback of the VideoSDK class to dynamically re-render audio device lists whenever new devices are attached or removed from the system.
  • Ensure that users can seamlessly interact with newly connected devices without disruptions.
VideoSDK.setAudioDeviceChangeListener(object : VideoSDK.AudioDeviceChangeEvent {
override fun onAudioDeviceChanged(
selectedAudioDevice: AudioDeviceInfo?,
audioDevices: MutableSet<AudioDeviceInfo>?
) {
"Selected Audio Device: " + selectedAudioDevice.label
for (audioDevice in audioDevices) {
Log.d("VideoSDK", "Audio Devices" + audioDevice.label)

Step 4: Ensuring the selected devices are used in the Meeting​

  • Ensure that the status of all relevant devices, such as the microphone and camera (on/off), as well as the selected devices, are correctly configured and passed into the meeting from the precall screen.
  • To select a video device, you can either create a custom track with the chosen VideoDeviceInfo and pass it to the initMeeting method of the VideoSDK class, or you can use the setSelectedVideoDevice() method of the VideoSDK class.
  • To select an audio device, use the setSelectedAudioDevice() method of the VideoSDK class.
  • By ensuring this integration, users can seamlessly transition from the precall setup to the actual meeting while preserving their preferred settings.
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

val customTracks: MutableMap<String, CustomStreamTrack> = HashMap()

// Specify the video device to use in the meeting
val videoDeviceInfo: VideoDeviceInfo = selectedVideoDeviceInfo

val videoCustomTrack = VideoSDK.createCameraVideoTrack(
"h720p_w960p", "front", CustomStreamTrack.VideoMode.TEXT, true,
this, VideoSDK.getSelectedVideoDevice()
customTracks["video"] = videoCustomTrack


// Specify the audio device to use in the meeting
val audioDeviceInfo: AudioDeviceInfo = selectedAudioDeviceInfo


val meeting: Meeting = VideoSDK.initMeeting(
this@MainActivity, "meetingId", "John Due", true,
true, null, null, false, customTracks, null

Step 5: Get Selected Devices​

  • VideoSDK library provides two methods, getSelectedVideoDevice() and getSelectedAudioDevice(), which allow us to determine which video and audio devices are currently selected on our Android device.
private fun getSelectedVideoDevice(){
Log.d("TAG", "onCreate: " + VideoSDK.getSelectedVideoDevice().label)

private fun getSelectedAudioDevice(){
Log.d("TAG", "onCreate: " + VideoSDK.getSelectedAudioDevice().label)

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can seamlessly integrate a precall feature into your application, empowering users to optimize their audio and video setup for a superior communication experience.


You can explore the complete implementation of the Precall feature in the official Android SDK example available here.

API Reference​

The API references for all the methods utilized in this guide are provided below.

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